Not In The Mood

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       Everyone scattered and was in the search for guns. I grabbed two guns and we all moved to the dining room. We all got ready and once we saw the men all hell broke loose. We fought and we dropped bodies after bodies. I was fighting with one of the men and I didn't notice the there was another in the room. Before I knew it I was shot on my side and I whined in pain. I snapped the men's neck I was fighting with and I shot the other man in the leg. He got down in one leg and screamed in pain.

"Who send you?" I yelled at his face. 

"Why would I tell you" he said and I punched him making him bleed.

"Who send you" I said in a more threatening voice.

"You will fall" he said.

"Did patron send you?" I said.

"He will kill everyone you love" he said.

"But until that day comes he will be the one to die, but for now, death has come for you" I said and shot him right in the forehead.

       I dropped the gun and I held my side. I sat down on the floor and my eyes started to get heavy. Jackson kneeled in front of me and saw that I was bleeding. He called the rest and they all crowed around me. I started to see black dots and I couldn't hear the other. Soon my vision became blurry and then everything turned black. The last thing I heard was my name and Grayson's voice.


      I opened my eyes and I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my room. The walls were grey and the bed matched the walls as well. I tried to sit up but pain shot through my right side. I got off from then bed and I started to walk towards the door. Once I stepped out of the room I knew were I was. I walked downstairs and I saw Axel and the rest sitting on the couches.

"Angel" Reed said.

"Hey" I said.

"Are you ok?" Jackson asked getting up walking towards me.

"Yes I'm fine Jackson" I said smiling. 

"That's great" he said and hugged me.

       I hugged him back and we went to sit down on the couch. I sat next to Axel and we watched movies. According to Grayson and Jackson the house is a mess and Dominic has send people over there to fix the house. The rest of the day we watching movies and talk. Me and the girls shared a room while the guys shared another room. I was tossing and turning and I could sleep. I got out of bed and I tip toed out of the room and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and got some water. I felt someone behind me and my reflexes reacted and I punched who ever was behind me.

"Shit. Spencer what the hell" I said realizing I had punched Spencer. He whined in pain and held his face.

"Fuck Angel" he said sounding upset.

"You're the idiot that is sneaking up on me" I  said.

"I heard noises" he said.

"Look I'm sorry" I said in a calmer tone.

"It's fine" he sighed and moved his hand from his face. His check was red and there was a cut on his lip and blood dripping.

"You're bleeding" I said grabbing a paper towel and whipping the blood.

        Once his lip stopped bleeding I looked up to him and he was already looking at me. Our eyes locked and a small smile appeared on his lips. His smiled made me smile and I turned around to throw away the paper towel. When I turned around Spencer was right behind me and we were face to face.

"I'm glad you're ok" he said.

"Who told you? You haven't been here the whole day" I said.

"I was doing a mission for my dad and once he told you were hurt I tried to come back but he wouldn't let me" he said explaining what he was doing.

"The mission is more important then me" I said walking pass him taking a sip from my water.

"Nothing is more important then you" he said in a whisper but I head him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing forget it" he said back to his normal voice and he walked away.

       I heard his bedroom door close and I sighed. I put my cup in the sink and I made my way back up to the room. I laid in bed but I could sleep. After what felt like forever I finally fell asleep.


       I was woken up by Mia jumping on me and crushing me. I pushed her off the bed and she whined. I cursed under my breath and we walked downstairs. I knew I was a mess but I was to angry to care.

"Someone's happy" Jackson said.

"Don't test me today or I'll break every bone in your body" I said with a glare and Jackson's smile dropped.

"Geez, What crawled up your ass and died" Will's voice rang through my ears.

"I'm going to kill you" I said looking at Will.

"I brought you pancakes" Will said holding a bag.

"Don't try to bribe me with pancakes" I said crossing my arms.

"There chocolate chip pancakes" he said smiling.

"Fine, I won't kill you" I said walking towards him and taking the bag. "Yet" I said smirking and eating my pancakes.

"Wait what" Will said.

        Reed and Jackson were laughing at Will's expression. Today we had to go back to school and I looked like a mess. If anyone tries to cross me today they will be six feet underground. I saw Logan in the hallway talking to the quarterback James. I started to walked towards Logan completely ignoring James and his friends.

"Logan what are you doing" I said a bit annoyed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean what are you doing here" I said emphasizing the word here.

"Logan looks like you have your very own slut lined up" James said laughing.

"What did you just call me" my voice was full of venom and my hands were in fists.

"Logan's slut" James said bending down to get to my eye level.

       In a slit moment my fist had connection with James face. He fell to the ground and he groaned in pain. His lip was bleeding and a bruise was already forming on his cheek.

"You little bitch" he said getting up.

        I was ready to kick his ass but before I could do anything to him and for him to do anything to me someone stood between us. Right away James stopped mid tracks and he looked a bit scared.

"You touch her or look at her in any way I will break every bone in your body in ways that haven't been invented yet" Spencer's voice came out strong and he was standing taller then usual.

The whole hallway went dead silence and Spencer and James has a stare off. James finally but his hands up and backed away. Before he could leave it was time for me to threaten him. I walked to him and turned him around by his arm, and I pushed him up against the lockers.

"You ever disrespect me like that I will make sure you never see the day of light again, and I'm sure no one will miss you" I said and I let him go.

His eyes were wide and fear was all over his face. He left but my gaze never left him, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed. I turned around and came face to face with Spencer. Huh déjà vu.

"Thanks" was all I said and I turned around and walked away.

I went to class but my mind was somewhere else. For the rest of the day I didn't see Spencer or heard from him. At the end of the day we went back to our house since it was fixed. I couldn't sleep again so I looked out the window. I stared at the sky think of everything I have ever done. Two hours passed and I went to lay down on my bed. I snuggled with my blanket and soon drifted into sleep.

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