Get Out Of My House

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I can hear Mia and Jules talking in the background and I hear the monitor peep as it reads my heart beat. I groan slightly and try to open my eyes but quickly shut them because of the light. I hear footsteps getting closer to me and I try to open my eyes once more, this time there open.

"Angel can you hear me? Are you ok?" I heard Jules voice and my vision cleared.

"Hey guys" I said, my voice raspy. I tried to get up but pain made me lay down again.

"Don't get up you have stitches" Mia said holding my hand.

"I'm ok, where's my dad?" I asked them.

"Down the hall want me to go get him?" Jules asked.

"No, actually where's Axel?" I asked remembering what had happen.

"He's, well he's in a coma the bullet hit a nerve that went to his head and surgery was long but they manage to take it out and save him from now it's up to him" Mia explained to me and I felt tears going down my cheeks.

"He jumped in front of a bullet for me" I said more tears running down my cheeks. Both girls got up and hugged me as I cried to them.

"You wanna go see him?" Jules asked.

"Yes" I said getting up and sucking up the pain.

Mia and Jules helped me get up and walk to Axel's room. My dad has a whole floor cleared for us but I wanted to see Axel. When I got to the room and saw Axel I began crying again. I walked next to his bed and I held his hand. I bend down and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you" I whispered to him and got back up.

"Angel" I heard a voice I didn't want to hear or see this soon.

"Spencer" I said turning around and facing him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Fine" I said and awkwardness filled the room.

"Your dad is looking for you" he said.

"Ok" I said.

I turned to look at Axel one last time and made my way towards my room. My dad was already in there and when he saw me he hugged me. I surprisingly hugged him back and then he pulled back.

"I'm glad you're ok" he said and emotion for the first time was shown in his eyes.

"Me too" I said.

"Axel will pull through he'll make it trust me" he said and gave me a small smile.

"There is also someone else here to see you" he said looking behind me and I saw Will.

        I walked to Will and I gave him a big hug. I let a few tears fall but I wiped them away before pulling away. I then saw the guy and I went to go hug them as well. I saw Dominic and I just rolled my eyes. And then I saw Monica and she walked to me and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're ok" she said while still hugging me.

"Um thanks" I said and she lets go.

"Can I have a minute with my family?" I said to Monica and she nodded her head and left.

"What was that about?" Reed asked.

"Nothing, now, where is that son of a bitch?" I asked looking at my dad.

"He's at your house he hasn't said anything" my dad responded.

"Guys can i have a moment with my father?" I looked at the guy and they left the room.

"What is it?" My dad asked.

"I don't want Spencer anywhere near Patron" I said with venom in my voice.

"What about Mason?" He asked.

"Just don't tell him anything at this point I don't trust Spencer" I said and my dad knew it was something so he didn't question me.

"Alright anything else?" He asked me before he left.

"Yes, I want Monica out of my house by tomorrow morning" I said and my dad smirked.

"Done" he said and walked out the room.

Mia and Julie came back in the room and I told them what had happen with Spencer and Monica. They also wanted her out and wanted to kill Spencer. I told them I will deal with Spencer but I wanted Monica out. The rest of the day I was with the girls and Will the rest left and tomorrow I was gonna go home.

***Next Morning***

It was 8 and I was on my way home from the hospital. My dad was driving and Will was in the back seat. Will helped me with my bags and when we walked through the front door we heard yelling. We walked to the living room and saw Mia, Julie and Monica arguing.

"Angel thank god your home there girls are trying to kick me out and they gave me boxes" she said pleading for me.

"I was the one who tell them to do that" I said standing tall.

"What?" Was all she said and she took a step back.

"You need to leave my house" I said again.

"But you told me I could stay here until I got settled" she said and everyone at this point was in the living room.

"That was before you kissed my boyfriend" I said and I felt my hands turn to fists.

"Spencer?" She said questioning.

"Yes, he was my boyfriend but not anymore and now you have to leave" I said.

"You fucking bitch you said I could stay here" she said.

"Mind your mouth" my father said standing next to me.

"That was before I caught you with my boyfriend and that a betrayal I can't except" I said taking a step closer to her.

"So what if I did kiss your boyfriend he wanted me not you and now I see why" she said crossing her arms.

"I should've just left you in that alley" right as I finished saying that she slapped me and everything went quite.

Anger filled my body and I felt my eyes going black as well as me. I looked up at her and I see fear flash through her eyes.

"Big mistake" I said

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"Big mistake" I said

        I brought my fist up and I gave her a very hard right hook to the jaw. She fell to the ground and I turned to my father smirking. She got back up and she came charging towards me. All I did was bend down and tossed her over my shoulder to the ground. And with that the girls, guys and even Luca and Lacey laughed.

"You're gonna pay for that" she said she again came running towards me.

        Since my back was turned to her while she came running again, I elbowed her right in the mouth and she was knocked. With that my dad has some men pack her stuff and dropped her off at a hotel. I went to my room and showered getting ready to interrogate Patron.

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