Bad Feeling

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The next morning I woke up and went to take a shower. When I was done I changed and went down stairs. Everyone was in the kitchen talking and a small smile appeared on my face. I grabbed a piece of toas from Reed's plate.

"Hey that's my toast" Reed whined and pointed at me.

"It's mine now" I said taking a bite off it.

"Meanie" He said sticking out his tongue.

"Ok children settle down" Dominic said.

"We have something to tell you all" Heather said looking at Dominic.

Heather and Dominic held hands and looked at up at all of us. I took another bite of toast and heather had a big smile. Dominic looked at all of us and began.

"You're going to be aunts and uncles" Dominic said smiling.

"OH MY GOD!" Julie and Mia squealed while the rest of us just at them shocked. Julie and Mia hugged Heather.

"You mean to say there is going to be a smelly and annoying baby in the house" Jackson said and Reed and Grayson laughed.

"First of all that's rude and second we're going to be moving to our own house but you guys will still leave here" Dominic said.

"Thank god" Reed and Grayson massif under their breath.

"We're going to be aunts Angel" Julie said all exited.

"Yay" I said sarcastically. And then I remembered the mission. "So this means you won't be able to go on the mission?" I asked looking at heather.

"I won't be there but Dominic will and he has to come back so he can met his baby" she said looking as Dominic and holding his hand.

"Wait you're going on the mission I thought your dad didn't want you to" Grayson spoke from across the table.

"Yeah I am he told me right before we left and I'm the only one who's going you guys are staying here" I said looking at everyone's reaction.

"Wait what do you mean we aren't going" Juliana says.

"You need is there you can't do this alone" Jackson said.

"I know but I won't be alone Axel is gonna be there" I said assuring them.

"Not even Spencer is going?" Grayson asks.

"No he's not it's only me, Axel, and Dominic that'll be going and no one else is gonna go" I said crossing my arms.

"And why not?" Grayson says getting up from his seat.

"Because my dad is the one that leading this mission and he said he's not bringing you guy" I said getting frustrated.

"And since when does your dad call the shots this is out gang" Grayson said again.

"Yes this is our gang but he's the leader of the mafia who are more powerful then we are" I said clenching my fists.

"So what if he is we were supposed to get him not your father" Grayson said also getting mad.

"So what I'll woke with the fucking FBI if I have to but I will kill patron one way or another" I said while my voice was getting louder.

"Alright we get it, the mission won't be how we thought it was gonna go but if that son of a bitch is dead it'll all be worth it, so please stop arguing and act like fucking adults" reed said yelling at both me and Grayson.

       I was taken back by Reed's sudden outburst but he was right and Grayson was just being a kid. I don't know has gotten into him but he has to get his mind strait or he'll mess up. I then went to the gym in the house and started to train. I heard footsteps and I stopped and looked to see who it was.

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