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Nightmares. Everyone has them and everyone gets them. I was running, running from him. He finally reached me and I screamed and kicked but he was to strong. He overpowered me and he raped me. His face will forever haunt me but I soon got my revenge. I shot up from my bed soaked in sweat and tears. It was three twenty five in the morning and I got up from my bed. I went to my bathroom and I turned on the water. I stepped in and I let the hot water hit my body, soon relaxing me.

I got out and changed into my underwear, a bra and a shirt. I tied my wet hair up and I took out a duffle bag. I put clothes and my guns and knifes. I got my computer and searched for Will dads phone number. I found it and I called it. By the third ring he picked up and he sounded like he just woke up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Mr. Robertson it's Angel" I said.

"Oh yes Angel, did my son tell you about the request?" He asked.

"Yes he did and I'm in" I said in a serious tone.

"Perfect, the private jet leaves at eight in the morning, don't tell anyone no one should know" he said.

"I understand" I said.

"Mr. Volkov will be very pleased in seeing you" he said and I can tell he was smiling.

"Let's just finish the job, the sooner the better" I said.

"I'll send a limo to get you at seven" he said.

"do skoroy vstrechi" he said in Russia. (See you soon)

"Uvidimsya togda" I said in Russian. (See you then)

       I hung up the phone and I continue to do my bag. I changed and I grabbed a gun and a knife. I grabbed my duffle bag and a backpack and I walked outside.

       The limo was waiting for me and I stepped inside

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       The limo was waiting for me and I stepped inside. About thirty minutes later we arrived at the airport. I saw Mr. Robertson and Will along with Mr. Lockwood, Spencer and Axel. I got out of the limo and Mr. Robertson walked up to me and hugged me and I gladly hugged him back. Will did the same and I hugged me longer. I shock hands with Mr. Lockwood and I just looked at Spencer and Axel.

"Shall we go" Mr. Robertson said.

"We shall" Mr. Lockwood said.

We got into the jet and we started our very long trip. Many hours later we finally arrived in Russia. A limo with two other cars were waiting for us. We got in and we started to drive all around Russia. We finally arrived at Mr. Volkov mansion.

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