History Repeats It's Self

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I woke up to guns firing and I got up with a quickness. I looked out my window and I saw Axel and Dominic shooting at the target. I rolled my eyes and got dressed. When I got to the last step I heard a very familiar voice and ran to the kitchen.

"Spence" I said and I jumped in his arms and he caught me.

"Morning beautiful" he said while still holding me.

"How come you're here?" I asked him.

"Axel dragged" he said.

"I didn't drag you, you came on your own" Axel said from the door way and we all turned our heads.

"Well yeah I just wanted to see you before the big mission" he said with worry all through his eyes.

"I know but everything will be ok and we'll get out revenge" I said giving him a small smile.

"We have the best on the team and with me and Angel we'll kill every single of them" Axel said.

"Don't forget your also have the best brother and sister team" Luca said with a smirk and with Lacey next to him.

"Lacey, Luca what are you guys doing here?" Will asked

"We are here for the mission" Lacey responded.

"Where do we put our stuff?" Luca asked.

"Upstairs to the right all the way at the end" I said with a bit of an attitude.

"Thank you" Lacey smile and Luca just eyed me down. After that they left and the doors closed.

"What's up with him?" Spencer said and I turned to look at him.

"He's...like that" I said in a pause and I just grabbed a quick breakfast.

        That whole day I trained with Axel, Dominic, Luca and Lacey. My dad was gonna show up later on in the night. Tomorrow was the big day and my dad and Will's dad have been planing. Mason, Spencer's dad, was also gonna help but when my dad gets here. I was nervous but ready for tomorrow. Right now I'm on a little jog around the neighborhood when I heard screaming down an alley.

"Someone Yelp please!" I heard a girl screaming. I got closer to the screams and I saw a man on top of a girl. Right away I reacted by tackling the stream get off the girl and beating his face in.

"Don't...you...ever...touch...a...women...like...that...ever" I said and every time hitting him.

       Once he was fighting back i knew he was knocked out so I just got off from him. Before I could turn to the girl I kicked the guy in the balls and he whined with pain. I turned to the girl and she was still scared but somewhat relieved.

"Hi I'm angel" I said softly and she eyes focused on me. "What's your name?" I asked her.

"Monica" she simply replied with a shaky voice.

"That guy won't bother you anymore is there somewhere where I can take you or someone I can call?" I asked her.

"I'm alone here" she said quietly looking down. "I ran away" she whispered the last part but I could make out what she said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"18" she said still looking down.

"Hey if you want you can stay with me and my friends" I told her and she looked up to me surprised.

"I can't" she said.

"It's no trouble you can stay until you're stable" I said smiling at her.

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