Bad Night Pt.2

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People screamed and a few bodies were on the floor. I began to panic thinking about Jacob. Once there was no more gun shots people in masks walked.

"Angel Cortez come out and no one gets hurt" one of the men shouted and my heard dropped.


My eyes went wide and I looked at Spencer and then Will. We waited for a few minutes and then the men spoke again.

"If you don't come out this girl will die" he said and pointed the gun at the girl.

The girl cried and she pleaded for her life. I had no choice but to go out there and safe the girl. I started to get up but Spencer held me back down. I looked at him and his eyes were filled with concern. I put my hand on his cheek and I got up to face who ever the men were.

"Ah I see you aren't suck a coward" he said smiling.

"What do you want" I said in a confident voice.

"You dead" he said and pointed the guy at me.

Before I knew it I heard a gun shot but it didn't hit me. Instead I was being pushed down on the group by Will. Everyone started to panic and everyone ran. I looked at Will full of concern and then he whined when he tried to get up.

"Will, Will are you ok, oh my god" in a panicked voice I quickly pulled up his shirt. Blood was starting to come out his side and then Spencer came next to me.

"Spencer get her out of here" Will said coughing.

"I'm not leaving you and that piece of shit is going to pay" I said getting mad.

"Angel please don't do anything" Will said.

"They have to pay" I said.

I got up but before I could take a step a hand grabbed me. I looked at Spencer and he gave me a gun in my hand and a knife. I started to look for the people that walking to the club and I started to shot each one. Bodies fell to the ground and punches were thrown. I finally got to the guy who was pointing the gun and we and we began to fight. After a few hits I finally knocked him out. I went back to Will and told Spencer to get the other guy.

"I have to call my father" I said.

"No you can't, he'll want something else in return" Will said.

"In a hospital they'll ask to many questions" I said.

"Fine call you dad but first we have to get out of here" Will said.

I called me father and the first one to show up was Logan. My dad finally came and he took us to one of his houses. Will was taken to be cared for and me and Spencer were left with my father. My dad locked away the suspect but I was to know who sent him.

"Is the man awake?" I asked my father.

"No he isn't, you must have knocked him out hard" he said.

"Well he did shot my friend so what did he expect" I said.

"He's a tough kid, he'll make it" he said.

"He better or I'm going to torture that guy making him wish he was dead" I said.

"Before anything who would do this?" My father asked.

"It could have been one of your enemies since the whole Mafia families know I'm your daughter" I said.

"I doubt it, it has to be someone who knew we had to be at the club" Spencer said.

"Where's Logan?" I asked.

"He should be here any minute I called him on our way over here" my father said.

        Spencer gave me a look and I tried to tell him that maybe Logan might be behind this. I staid quiet and so did everyone else. After about five minutes of silence and of my trying to connect the dots Logan finally showed up. He walked in with a smirk on his face and I got up and punched him square on the jaw.

"You fucking bitch" he groaned and grabbed his face.

"Fucking jackass you called those guys on us" I said crossing my arms and my body filling with anger.

"What is she talking about Logan?" My fathers voice became a command.

"Tell them the truth or so god help me I don't kill you right now" I said threatening him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said smirking.

"Sir the prisoner has awaken" one of my fathers man said walking into the leaving room.

"Perfect" I said smirking. "Max bring Logan down with us" I said and max grabbed Logan and dragged him to where the prisoner was.

"Let's make this fast and easy, did he hire you to shot up the club tonight?" I told the prisoner while pointing at Logan.

"He promised me a lot of money and the safety of my family" he said.

"This proves my point" I said.

"Stupid idiot I knew I shouldn't have trusted you" Logan said and took out a gun.

"Put the gun down Logan" my father said.

"You see Francisco I want what you have and I had to get rid of your daughter first so I guess this is it for her" once he finished his sentence I heard a gun shot.

       I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and I felt the cold ground under my body. I heard yelling and other gun shots. My vision was blurry and I started to see black dots. Then a familiar voice said something but I couldn't quite understand. Then everything turned black and I didn't hear anything.

Spencer's POV

       Logan has taken out a gun and he was talking. But one he was done he pointed his gun at Angel and shot at her. I immediately launched my self at Logan and we began to fight. Anger was building up and i was punching Logan over and over with every punch I hit harder. I then grabbed the gun and shot him twice. I then went to Angel's side and put her on my lap.

"Don't leave me Angel you can't go" I said to her trying to keep her awake.

        I felt a hand on my shoulder and at was Francisco. He looked down at his daughter and picked her up. Once Angel left my side my body felt cold. Francisco ran out the door and got into his truck and I went with him. He drove to a hospital and got Angel treating right away. A whole floor was cleared for Angel and Francisco brought a lot of bodyguards. Angel was in surgery and I was pacing back and forth waiting for news. After what felt like years the doctor finally came outside.

"How is she Jerry?" Francisco asked the doctor.

"The surgery went well, she did lose a lot of blood but she hit her head bad when she fell on the ground and she's in a coma" the doctor said.

"How long?" Francisco asked.

"It's hard to tell" the doctor said.

"How long Jerry" Francisco raised his voice.

"From weeks to months" the doctor said.

        My chest was in so much pain from that talk. I had to tell everyone else so I started to call them. Once I was done I went outside for fresh air. Why did this had to happen? Why now? Why her? I throughout to my and I punched the wall from frustration. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I remembered all the memories I had with Angel.

"Please don't leave me" I said in a shaky voice sliding down the wall looking up the stars.

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