The End

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***A Month Later***

It's been a month since everyone got to my house and since me and Axel have been together. Recently I've been sick and very tired, also I missed my period but it's only been 2 days. I still didn't wanna freak out although I'm sure I'm not pregnant. I decided to hit up Sara Aguilar, La Señora Acero, also Sara Aguilar. She worked with Miguel and decided to do this with her.

Me: Hola Sara, cómo está todo, y quiero saber si puedes ir con migo al doctor. ( hi Sara, how are you, I wanted to know if you could come with me to the hospital)

Sara: si claro, todo está bien? ( yes of course is everything ok )

Me: si solamente quiero estar segura de algo ( yes I just want to be sure about something )

        Sara and I drove to the hospital where they started with pregnancy test. They then moved on to an ultrasound and I could see the little bean in my stomach. Tears rushed down my face and I knew Axel had a right to know. They let me go and I explained everything to Sara she was going to go with me and tell Axel what happened.

"Mira cuando tuve a Salvador era el día más feliz de mi vida y se que va a ser para ti también" Sara re assured me as we pulled up to my house. (Look when I had Salvador it was the happiest day of my life and I know it's going to be the same for you)

"Lo se Im just scared" I said knowing I'm bringing a kid to the Mafia and Cartel world.

"I know but you have to stay strong" she said holding my hand.

        We walked into the house and thank god no one was there. I went to Axel's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Can we go talk in my room" I said and he just nodded his head.

We walked to my room and Sara went to go sit on my bed. I closed the door behind us and locked it. Axel was standing waiting for me to tell him what happened.

"Ok there's no way to put this but um...I'm um...pregnant and it's yours" I said playing with my fingers.

"Really" Axel said as an even bigger slime appeared on his face. He made me smile and then he came and hugged me.

"You're not mad" I said surprised and Sara came and hugged us as well.

"Why will I, Angel I love you and I will love this baby too I'm always going to be there" he said smiling and he kissed me.

A million fireworks exploded inside of me and my body felt like it was levitating. I hugged Axel bringing him closer to the hug and I could hear Sara crying.

"True love, you finally found it Ange" Sara said and I went to hug her.

That night we made it aware that I was going to have a baby and that Axel was the father. I started looking for my father and began to take over the Russian Mafia. I had to know my family was going to be ok, in the nine months I was pregnant I was the owner of the Mafia and Cartels. I was in the hospital holding my baby girl in my arms and smiled at Axel.

"My beautiful Angelica" I said and handed her to Axel so he can hold her.

"My babygirl, I love you so much" Axel kissed our babies forehead and I slowly started to sleep.

My eyes were heavy and I fell asleep looking at how happy Axel was. I looked at my baby girl and I finally fell asleep. I woke up the next day with Axel asleep next to me. A nurse walked in to check my vitals and everything and I finally got to as about Angelica.

"Can I go see my daughter?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am" she said grabbing machine next to me. "Ok if you could stand for me just so I can see how you're walking and if you'll need to stay longer" she explained and got ready.

I pulled myself up but I did whined a little at the pain. I sat up and it was good and then I started to stand and it felt a whole lot better. I grabbed my slides and we made out way to where all the baby's are. The nurse let me walk in by myself but there was someone else there. A man was there holding my baby.

"Put my baby down" I said I'm a threatening voice.

"Is that a way to speak to your father" a very familiar voice said.

"Father what are you doing here and can you put my baby down" I said walking closer to him.

"Take one more step and you'll never see your child again" my father turned around and he smirked.

"Are you sure you wanna do this" I said grabbing a small gun from behind me.

"Angel Angel Angel, just know I'm doing this outta love" before I could say anything a felt a someone grab me.

         When that person grabbed me I felt a cloth go over my mouth. I tried not to inhale but some of the sent went up my nose. I stopped fighting and let me body fall but I could still see and get up. I closed me eyes to pretend and I saw footsteps walk towards the door. I saw my dad holding my daughter and I pulled out my gun. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Bodies dropped to the floor and my daughter was crying as she fell to the floor as well.

"My beautiful girl, I'm so sorry" I said crying as I held my baby in my arms.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm really sorry" I said crying looking at my dad as bleed out.

Moments later Axel ran in the room with a gun in his hand. He gasped, seeing as how I had just killed me father. We kneeled down next to Angelica and I and I crying on his shoulder.

"I killed me father" I said in between cries.

"I know baby but you had to do it" he rubbed my back.

After that nurses and security came in seen what happened. The cops came and I had to tell them the truth and as for the gun I took it from Axel while he was asleep. We tried out best to cover our tracks and that same night we were released from the hospital.

***2 years later***

"Well Ange we did the best we could with the room" Axel said wrapping his arm around my back.

"Yes we did" I said smiling.

Axel and I walked out of our daughter's room. Angelica out daughter was turning two and we couldn't be happier. She knew a few words and could walk so she was with Mia and Jules. We brought her in the room and she was so happy she hugged us tight. We heard a loud bang out in the front of the house and both me and Axel got ready.

"Angel you need to go" Axel said and he meant for the security room we have.

"I'm not leaving you" I said holding his hand.

"Please go" he said again but we got interrupted as Sara came in the room.

"I'll hide with her you two go" she said and grabbed Angelica.

Axel and I went to go gear up and grabbed out guns. Everyone was fighting and shooting bullets. That whole time Angelica was in my mind and what was pushing me. I had seen a familiar face run by and I followed them. Once I stopped them I gasped thought I was seeing a ghosts.

"Spencer" I said.

"Surprised Princess" he said.

        Before I could react he shot a bullet and it went through me. I felt cold and life slipping away from me. I heard another shot go off and then a body hit the floor. I was turned and now facing a crying Axel.

"Take care of our daughter remind her who her mother is" I said weakly knowing this was the last of me.

"I love you Angel" was all I heard when the bright light took me.

Sorry guys this is the end of the chapter please don't be mad I promise I'll back a part 2. Also please give my 2 new books some love it'll mean a lot. I'll be working on part 2 of this book soon. Thank you so much on your support on this book it was really big and I love each and everyone of you that helped this book blow up. Much love Lucy❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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