22: Percy x Reader

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I'm sure you've seen these before but here is quick key to how these work:

(Y/N): Your name
(L/N): Your last name
(H/C): Hair colour
(E/C): Eye Colour
(F/C): Favourite Colour
(G/P): Godly Parent
(C/N): Cabin Number
(H/S): Half Sibling on your G/P side

WARNING: These may all be a bit cliché but sorry. And I'm also going to assume you're a girl for these x readers - sorry guys.

Okay? We clear? Good. Let's roll.

You face Percy across from the arena. Your palms are sweaty. You are trying your best to keep a firm grip on your sword. It doesn't help you can't wipe your hands on your armour. It's all you can do not to run out of the arena. How did you get paired up with him? Not only is Percy the best swordsman the camp has seen centuries, he was a saviour of Olympus, a legend... and your crush.

You take a deep breath. Do it for the (G/P) cabin, you tell yourself. I can do this. You brush a strand of your (H/C) hair out of your face and tuck it under your helmet.

"Fighters, are you ready?" Chiron calls.

"Yeah!" Percy yells.

After a moment's hesitation, you manage to shout, "Yes!"

"Take your positions and... BEGIN!"

You shuffle forward, and you and Percy begin warily circling each other. You hold your sword in a defensive position, using both hands to grip the hilt tightly.

"Please don't kill me," you mutter under your breath, only loud enough for Percy to hear.

He grins. You can't help but notice how green his eyes are, and how try seem to sparkle when he smiles. Not helping, you mentally chide yourself.

"No promises, but hopefully it will only be a day in the infirmary," Percy says.

You smile, despite the fact he kind of just threatened to hurt you. Suddenly, Percy jabs forward and you only narrowly manage to dodge the attack. You thrust your sword towards his chest but he just manages to deflect it.

The fight between you two becomes a series of jabs, parries and trying not to get killed. You manage to block out everyone watching, just focused on Percy. You feel exhilarated. This is the best part about being a demigod - the rush you get from doing something dangerous. Right now, you feel like a ninja, dodging his sword, rolling on the ground. It's pretty fun. And you get to do it with your crush... it kinda feels like a date.

As you are thinking this, watching the somehow graceful way Percy moves, how his black hair falls in front of his eyes, he successfully disarms you. He kicks your blade across the arena, making sure you have no chance of getting back. Percy holds the point of Riptide against your throat.

"You're pretty good, (Y/N)," he says. "That was the best fight I've had in ages."

You blush. Did Percy just compliment you?! You didn't even know he knew your name. Oh my gods, what until you told (H/S)! Despite this, you're still wary of the sword against your throat.

"Uh, thanks? Now can you move your sword? I'd like to keep my head, if you don't mind."

Percy's face lights up in a grin. "Only..."

Oh it comes, you think. He's going to make my cabin do his chores.

"Only," he continues. "If you go on a date with me."

You mouth drops open as the words sink in. You can feel yourself grinning like a madman.

"Sure," you hear yourself say giddily, while you are already wondering which outfit to wear.

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