54: Gruniper

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The flower crown faze went through both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. In fact, that's where it started. Well, technically, Juniper started it.

In her spare time, she would make the little flower crowns for the younger campers who came to visit her, using an assortment of wild flowers.

Once, Juniper managed to get Grover, Lord of the Wild, to wear one, playing the best boyfriend card. After that, she asked to model all of the ones she made. Grover grew to like them so much that he would wear them rather than his rasta cap.

In fact, flower crowns soon became The Lord of The Wild's symbol. All because of one little dryad.

A/N: Inspired by art work I saw on Pinterest.

Guys, you know how I was editing out my A/N's? Well it didn't work, so I have to go back to the very end. Ah well.

Thank you for all your support, and you are all the best readers I could ask for.

Love always,
Raylee xx

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