70: Thaluke

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For a about year after Luke got to Camp Half-Blood, he became more with-drawn than ever. Free time was spent at Thalia's pine tree, and quite often he'd sneak out at night to visit her. 

Mostly Luke was just there to be close to her but he'd also talk to the the tree. He'd keep Thalia updated on the recent events in the mortal world. He'd sing her the most latest punk song he had heard and memorized for her. He would tell her all about that new camper that arrived and who won Capture the Flag. Luke would report to Thalia on how Annabeth was doing. And that new technique he learnt? You can bet he told her about that too. 

But the thing Luke would tell her the most was how much he missed her, their little family, and how much he wished she would come back. 

Part of the reason Luke spent so much time at the tree was because a part of him kept hoping that he could get a sign, a whisper, something, that meant Thalia wasn't dead. But as the years passed, Luke spent less and less of his time at the tree, and that part that kept hoping eventually stopped wishing. 

But time never could erase the memories of the girl with electric blue eyes, that had sacrificed herself for her family. 

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