75: Percabeth

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Her name was Annabeth Chase. Not Annie, not Beth, Annabeth Chase. I never meant to fall in love with her. It just happened, somewhere among the mess and whirlwind that was our lives. I can't say that I had a plan for my life, because I didn't. Until I came to Camp Half-Blood, I was a hyperactive dyslexic kid with ADHD, bad grades and a reputation for trouble. My plan consisted of me making it through the school day without getting expelled. I can say though, I didn't except love to be factor in any part of my life.

At any rate, I would never have expected it to be her. Annabeth Chase was somewhat of a mystery to me. She was a legend throughout the camp, brave and intelligent and one of the best warriors the camp had. Annabeth never acted differently because of this though, even if she did have a habit of telling people what to do. She also seemed completely unaware of the fact that she was stunningly beautiful. Perhaps she did realise it but just didn't think it was important, I don't know, but she never seemed to, and that astounded me.

The part about her that confused me the most though, was the fact that she fell in love with me. Me, of all people. I was the kid that screwed up the simplest of tasks, the kid with the scruffy hair, the kid that always knew how to ruin something with a stupid comment.  She was simply everything, and compared to her, I was nothing. She could list every reason why she loved me, but I don't think I will ever completely understand it.

Annabeth Chase. There were over a thousand ways to describe her, and not one would do her any justice. You could list every single thing she ever did, or list each or her qualities, or describe all of her features, but you still wouldn't be able to capture her, not really. She was something of an enigma. I couldn't say exactly what it was, but you could never truly describe Annabeth.

I think it was the little things that made her Annabeth. The things that no one really thought to notice, the quirks and perks of her that people didn't realise were important. Things like preferring tea over coffee, and the way she brushed her blonde curls over her ears, things like her habit of chewing her pencil when deep in thought or how her hands clenched into fists when she was frustrated.

I'm not sure what I'm even trying to say here. I think I'm mainly trying to say that Annabeth Chase was special. She was, without a doubt, amazing. I'm not trying to say this to impress you, or to make Annabeth seem like more than she was, because I'm barely even scratching the surface on her. I don't know how I fell in love with her, or when, because it wasn't my intention, but I did, and for some crazy reason, she fell in love with me.

Her name was Annabeth Chase, and I now I have the honour of calling none other than Annabeth Jackson. And I am infinitely in love with her.

A/N: I'm not entirely sure what this is. Perhaps it's Percy's wedding speech or perhaps it's his journal entry. You can assume it's whatever you like. I can say this however: this is the very last part to The Canons of Ships.

I have loved writing this, because it was my way of continuing the Percy Jackson series, and I got to know some lovely people through writing this. However, all good things must come to an end, and lately I have been going through some personal stuff and have been struggling to find inspiration for my writing. So I tried to write something nice for the story to end on, rather than leaving it forever.

Thank you all for your support and feedback on this story, it means so much to me. If you haven't already, you can read my other Percy Jackson fanfiction called Letters to Luke. I hope you enjoyed The Canons of Ships. Keep reading, writing, and I hope you all have a lovely day/night.

Love always,
Raylee xx

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