61: Caleo

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Calypso loved Leo's surprises, and he loved giving them to her. Often, they would be things that could help her catch up on the modern world, like a phone, or a date around the city. Occasionally, it would just be Leo helping her in the garden they had out in the back yard, or cleaning the house.

The best types of the surprises though, was when Leo would randomly come up to her, wrap his arms around her tightly, give a kiss, then go back to whatever he was doing.

Those were definitely Calypso's favourites.

A/N: Yay! It's been a while (like 11 chapters, not including this one) since I have done a Caleo.

So I'm stuck for ships. I have the ideas, but not the ships. Requests?

Has anyone watched/read Game of Thrones? It's amazing, though I wouldn't recommend it to younger people. Anyway...

Love always,
Raylee xx

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