3: Thaluke

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Thalia Grace watched from her tent as Luke Castellan and his army approached under a white banner. A few of her Hunters went to see them. Luke spoke a few words to the one of the girls who hopped from foot to foot with indecision. He said something else. The girl - Phoebe - came up to Thalia's tent.

"Luke Castellan," she announced, speaking his name with distaste. "Would like to speak to you. In private."

"Did he say why?" Thalia asked.

"No," Phoebe said.

Thalia sighed. "I'll go meet him. Keep an eye on his army, though, Phoebe."

Phoebe nodded. "Be careful, Lieutenant."

Thalia left her tent. Phoebe also left and a group of girls followed her. They aimed their bows at the army. There was no better way to look hostile, Thalia thought.

She headed out if the Hunters' camp and to a clearing where Luke was waiting. Her heart wrenched at the sight of him.

"What do you want Luke?" Thalia asked harshly.

"Now, now," Luke chided. "Don't be like that. I just came with an offer."

"An offer?"

"To join Kronos' army before it's too late."

Thalia barked a laugh. "Join you? No thanks, I'm happy being a Hunter. I'd rather not join an army of murderers."

"I'm not a murderer," Luke said. "I never killed anyone."

Anger filled Thalia. Then next thing she knew was that she had pulled a knife out of her boot and pinned Luke to a tree. The knife was pushed against his throat. Shock was clear in his eyes.

"Do you know where they found me that day?" Thalia hissed in his ear. Luke shook his head. "They found me in my room, mascara running down my face. Gasping for air. Crying. So don't you dare say you never killed anyone, because that day, you killed me!"

"Thals, I-"

"No, you don't get to call me that anymore," Thalia snarled. She was crying now, but she wasn't about to stop. "You lost that right when you broke your promise. A family, you said! You didn't just break me. You broke Annabeth as well."

"Thalia, I'm sorry-"

"You know what, Luke? I don't believe you. You gave us a promise and broke it, so I have no doubt that you're lying now as well."

Thalia let go of Luke and turned away from him. She wiped her eyes, her mascara staining her cheeks. She looked like she had the day when Luke did what Zoë Nightshade predicted. The day he let her down. Thalia walked away from the clearing and back to the Hunters' camp, leaving Luke standing in the clearing.

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