40: Nico x Reader

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It's been a while since I've done these, but it was a request and I had a great idea for it. So hopefully you remember how it works. Oh, by the way, you're a child of whoever you want.

You cross the green and stop on the steps of Cabin 13. While the torches give off an eerie light and the cabin seems to be wrapped in shadows, you think the overall effect is pretty cool. You make a fist and rap your knuckles on the door. After you give three sharp knocks, you draw your hand back to your side and wait. You start counting under your breath.



By the time you reach seven, the painted black door swings open, revealing a skinny boy of fourteen with dark hair. He leans casually against the doorframe and surveys you. In the back of your mind you can't help but notice how hot he is.

"Hazel isn't here," he states immediately.

"Who's that?" you ask, mildly curious. "Wait no, it doesn't matter. I'm not here for her."

"Oh?" Nico says with a raised eyebrow. "Well, is there something I can help you with?"

You ignore his bored demeanour and smile brightly. "I'm (Y/N), child of (G/P). I got here a week ago-"

"Yeah, I know who you are, (Y/N)," Nico interrupts, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well, my friend Kayla and I are throwing a party tomorrow night," you tell him.

"And? Do you need my permission?"

"I wanted to invite you."

Nico looks taken aback by this. "Invite... me?"

"No, the Minotaur," you say, rolling your eyes. "Yes, you Nico."

Nico wears a confused expression. "Why?"

Now it's your turn to be confused. "Why what?"

"Why would you invite me?" Nico asks, looking genuinely surprised.

"Because I want to," you say, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. Nico seems to still be puzzled. You sigh. "I don't know very many people very well, so that's why Kayla thought of the party. And she told me to invite ten people. I haven't seen you around much and you definitely seem... interesting, so you were first on my list." You finish saying this with a wide smile.

"Really? You want to be my friend?" Nico says incredulously.

You shrug. "Why not? Besides, you need to socialise more," you grin. "I've only seen you around at dinner."

"What can I say? I like food," Nico says, his crooked smile back in place on his pale face.

You laugh. "So you'll be there then?"

Nico scratches his chin. "Just to be clear, you know who I am."

"Yes, you're Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, saviour of Olympus and you returned the Athena Parthenos," you recite, remembering what Kayla told you. "Oh and you like Happy Meals."

"How did you know that?" Nico asks, faking a shocked expression.

"Like I said, I've only seen you at dinner and you seem to have a few Happy Meals," you say.

"Stalker," Nico mutters.

You place a hand on your heart. "Oh, no, you've found me out!"

Nico gives a short laugh, little more than a soft chuckle. You smile at the low sound. Making people happy was your speciality, and it never ceased to make you happy. You couldn't help but feel that the boy before you need the cheering up more than anyone. Plus, you liked the way the sound of his voice made your skin tingle.

"So you'll come?" you ask again.

"Tomorrow night?" You nod. Nico runs a hand through his dark hair, making a big show of looking thoughtful. "I don't know, I think I've got a whole lot of nothing scheduled for tomorrow. But I suppose I can make an appearance."

"Thank you!" You give him a quick hug. Nico flinches at your touch but doesn't make any move to push you away. "Well, bye Nico!"

"Bye, (Y/N)," Nico says.

You smile and skip away from his cabin. Throwing a quick glance over your shoulder, you see Nico still watching you from the doorway of his dark cabin. You pull a silly face and wave at him. He pokes his tongue out and waves back. You get that little bubble of happiness swell inside your chest. With a grin still plastered on your face, you head to your own cabin, forgetting and not caring you still had nine more people to invite.

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