59: Frazel

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Credit goes to @MktaSwimmer for this idea.

Frank spotted Hazel coming towards him. He bit his lip and took a deep breath. He had to tell her and get it over and done with.

But Hazel looked so happy, so beautiful. She had that dazzling smile that could light up a room plastered on her face and her cinnamon curls bounced as she ran to meet Frank.

"Hi!" Hazel exclaimed, planting a kiss on his jawline.

"Hey, Hazel," Frank said. "There's something I have to tell you..."

Hazel's smile faded a bit. "What is it, Frank?"

"Um..." He wasn't sure how to tell her. Frank really didn't want to ruin her good mood.

He had to tell her though. He was the son of Mars, a praetor of New Rome, a hero of the Seven...

Frank turned into a puppy.

Hazel giggled and knelt down next to him, petting his head. "Aww, you're adorable!"

Frank barked and licked her face. He'd tell her another time.

A/N: I love Frazel fluff.

So, anyway, I'm writing a short Alice in Wonderland/Harry Potter crossover. The main ship in it is Halice and I can't stop writing fluffy stuff for it. I'm going to enter in the Wattpad competition (#JustWriteIt) and it needs to be done by June 30. So if I don't update this a whole lot, sorry. But yeah, up in the media is the cover for my story. It's made by kal_belle, because she is amazing. Anyway, would you like the description or a fluffy Halice excerpt?

Love always,
Raylee xx

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