25: Leo x Reader

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We all know how these work, right? I left a key in No. 22, remember? Okay, this one, you already know Leo, kinda-sorta-absolutely have a crush on him and are one of his best friends. Okay, now the scene is set, let's go.

You lean on Leo's toolbox, watching him work. He's sweaty, covered in grease and his curly hair is sticking out everywhere, his goggles acting like a sort of headband. In other words, gorgeous. If you like the scrawny, pickle type guys, and you do.

"Come on, Leo," you complain. "How much longer is this going to take?"

He looks up from the piece he's working on and gives you an impish grin that makes your heart flutter.

"Not much longer, (Y/N)," he says. "Just go on down to dinner, I'll see you there."

"Trying to get rid of me, Valdez?" you smirk.

He laughs, a sound that makes your skin tingle. "Couldn't if I tried."

You smile. It's true. Ever since you came to camp, a year ago today, you'd been best friends with the son of Hephaestus and the two of you had been inseparable. You had also had a major crush on him, which was hard for you sometimes.

Leo keeps on tinkering away with the small piece of metal. Your ADHD kicks in, forcing you do something. You tap your fingers on your leg, subconsciously using the morse code that Leo had taught you to spell out I love you, over and over again. You realise what you're doing and embarrassed, stuff your hands into the pockets of your sweater. If Leo notices, he doesn't show it.

You eventually get bored. "What are you making, Leo?"

He doesn't answer for a moment. "Done!" Leo eventually says.

He holds up a locket for you to see. It's quite pretty, with intricate designs of (Godly Parent Symbol - G/P/S), which just so happens to be the symbol of your (G/P).

"Do you like it?" Leo asks.

"Nope, it looks terrible," you say, trying to keep your face serious. Leo pales and looks disappointed. You grin. "I'm kidding, Valdez. It looks awesome."

He smiles and walks over to you. "Good, because I made it 'specially for you, (Y/N)." Leo then lifts up your hair and puts the chain around your neck.

You open the locket and examine the pictures. On the right it's a picture of you and on the left is a picture of him. You're both laughing and look super happy.

"Leo... Why'd you make this for me?"

"(Y/N), a year ago today, you came to camp. Since that day, we've been best friends, inseparable."

Great, you think glumly. Friendzoned.

"It's also been a year since I fell in love with you (Y/N)," Leo continued. He looked nervous. "So what I wanted to ask is this: will you be girlfriend?"

Oh my gods! Did he just... No way! You smile, grinning widely from ear to ear. Your eyes are shining. You wrap your arms around Leo's neck.

"Leo Valdez, I've been waiting a year for you to ask that question."




"I'm just joking, Repair Boy," you snigger.

Leo glares at you. "Not funny, (L/N)."

You laugh and give him a quick peck on the cheek. You grab his hand and pull him out of Bunker 9. "Come on, Leo! I'm hungry."

A/N: I love this because Leo is BAE. And I love him so much and yeah. I wrote this with the song "Lucky" in my head.

Wow guys. Look at me go. Four updates in less than 24 hours? I'm amazhang!

But I don't feel so amazhang right now. I feel sick and nauseous and yuck. I think it's that time of the month -.- And that's sucks, because tomorrow I'm meant to go to Adventure World with my family.
For those that don't know, Advemture World is a water park sort of thing in WA, Australia. Look it up. So yeah, I'm an Aussie. Do I hear any Aussies? *crickets* All righty, then.

So yeah. Rant over. Again, thank you all for your support on this story, I can not express my thanks enough! I believe this one goes to @Killerbunny2014

I'm going to feel sick and read sappy fanfics in peace. Okay? Okay.


Yeah ^^^ I'm too tired for a BADALALALALA! today.

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