38: Frazel

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So who is the better cook?
There is really a 'better' cook because they both love to cook and are both good at it. Hazel was taught in her first lifetime, because every respectable lady had to know the basic household chores. Frank was taught by his mom when he was little, and that would be part of their bonding time, when she wasn't away fighting. He kept cooking once she died.

So who is more social media addicted?
Hazel. Just because se is new to it and would love to experiment with it, having an account for every website out there on the internet.

So who gets jealous?
Frank. Like the time Leo had had a crush on Hazel, he gets possessive if someone so much as looks at Hazel in the wrong way. Hazel thinks it's sweet, her giant teddy bear protecting her.

So who is the cuddler?
Frank. Did you not see the thing about Frank being a giant teddy bear? Hazel loves waking up in the morning, wrapped in his strong arms and knowing that she is safe and sound.

So who is the best with kids?
Hazel. She loves babies especially, and is a motherly figure for a lot of the kids at Cano Jupiter.

So who is the best parent?
Hazel. She also has a lot of kids, because she adores young children.

So who picked out the baby names?
Frank. Hazel liked his choices, especially because he included her loved ones in there. There was Sammy, Nico, Emily, Percy, and Maria. They are expecting another twins, both girls whom they will call Anna and Pippa.

So who is the stay at home parent?
Hazel. Since Frank is praetor, it's a bit hard for him to be around all the time, but the Zhang family still manages to spend time together a lot.

So who catches up with the other of the seven most often?
Hazel. Since Annabeth, Piper and Calypso and her are stay at home moms, it's easier for them to have coffee and chat, while the men work hard. They catch up for bro nights anyway.

A/N: There. I will do Jiper, Caleo and Solangelo today, too and then start working on the proper head canons again. This is my punishment for not updating for ages.


So... It's my birthday this month. I'm turning fourteen (yay!) but a lot of my friends are turning fifteen. And I'm like. Wow. We're all getting old, and mature, and I'm just here like, fanfiction and chocolate please.

I'm not going to see Cinderella now because my uncle, who was paying for us, still isn't home yet. Meh. Already seen it, so I'm okay I guess. My sister isn't, she's shut herself up in her room. I do that all the time anyway.

Have anyway of you people read The Teddy Bear Agreement? It's awesome, and I'm in love with it, I can't wait for the next update!

This one goes to... Oh gods, my notifications don't go back that far. I know I owe a lot of people dedications, so this one goes to all of you! Thank you all for getting this story to where it is today.

I also want to say a huge thank you to all of you who have read my Letters to Luke story. Writing some parts of it have had me in tears. Anyway...

I think that's all from me now.

Love always,
Raylee xx

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