63: Letter

906 43 16

Dear Leo,

Piper here. It's been three weeks since you disappeared in a fireball and I still don't think you're dead. Sorry for being stubborn, but until Nico and Hazel and Hades himself tells me otherwise, you're alive in my eyes.

Not much has happened since you disappeared. A clean up and rebuild mostly. The camp was destroyed, and we had to build emergency cabins for the Romans, because Camp Jupiter was flattened. We suffered a fair loss, about 50 casualties.

Um, what else? We had a game of Capture the Flag, Romans vs Greeks. They beat us, but only because Frank turned into an elephant and knocked out half our defenders. Though, we did catch Reyna in a trap, which was pretty funny.

I think that's it. Oh yeah, and everyday you delay coming back, it's only going to get worse for you. I'll kick your ass in the arena, Repair Boy, and you know it. You better have one Hades of an explanation.

But seriously, Leo. Please come back soon. We all miss you.

Also, please make tacos when you come back.

Sorry, that was Percy. Although it would be nice. Best tofu tacos I've had in years.

Much love,

A/N: I was given this idea by someone who read my Letters to Luke story and suggested I make it a collection of letters, like I did with Letters to Luke. Thoughts?

Kay. Love you all your support. Also, what do you think of me making my username rayleexx?

Eh ideas. So I have a Reynico coming up. What next?

Love always,
Raylee xx

^^ Thinking I need a new sign off.

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