47: Reynico

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Nico looked into Reyna's obsidian eyes - dark, dangerous and oh so beautiful. She gazed into his, but she now had to stand tiptoes to do so. He brushed a loose strand of her dark hair out of her face. His hands rested on her waist, while hers were on his shoulders. He knew that this was the time to tell her.

"I love you Reyna," he said simply.

Reyna's dark eyes widened in shock and her lips that he so badly wanted to kiss parted in surprise at this simple statement. "I love you too," she said, the words stumbling over each other.

Nico smiled one of his rare smiles that only Reyna could bring out in him. He went to kiss the girl in his arms but the smile was still plastered on his lips. Reyna pulled away in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that I can't stop thinking about how beautiful you are, or how much I love you," Nico replied honestly.

Reyna's mouth curved into a grin. "Oh?"

"Or how perfect you are, or how I don't deserve you," Nico continued. "Or how much I want to kiss you."

Reyna brushed his cheek with the side of her hand. "Shut up and kiss me then."

His lips crashed onto hers.

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