18: Caleo

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Leo snuck up behind the caramel haired girl in the kitchen and put his machine-oil covered hands over her eyes.

"Guess who."

"I wonder," Calypso said dryly.

She gently removed the filthy hands from her face and went back to whisking the batter she was making. Leo wondered what it was. His stomach grumbled at the thought of food.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Leo - I don't like machine oil on my face. It's bad for the skin."

"Aww, Cal," Leo said. "You still look beautiful."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before reaching up and wiping his fingers on her cheeks. Calypso shrieked. Leo jumped back before she could kill him with a kitchen utensil. Then she did something Leo wasn't excepting. Calypso flicked her whisk and splattered her boyfriend with the mixture.

Leo licked a spot close to his mouth. "Yum. What is it?"

Calypso crossed her arms crossly, yet Leo saw the ghost of a smile on her lips. "Chocolate cupcake."

"Mmm. Can I have some more?"

"No. Wait until it's cooked."

"Puh-lease?" Leo begged, giving Calypso his best puppy dog eyes.

"No," Calypso repeated firmly.

"Okay then..." Leo sighed. "Guess I'll have to... Steal some!"

He ducked under Calypso's arm and grabbed the bowl, running to the other side of the island bench.

"Give that back, Valdez!" Calypso shouted, chasing him around the kitchen.

"Not a chance!" Leo yelled over his shoulder. He licked the batter-covered whisk. "Mmm!"

Suddenly the bowl was tipped on his head. Chocolate cupcake batter fell in his mouth and over his eyes, obscuring his vision. Leo wiped his eyes and saw Calypso standing in front of him wearing a smug look on her grease-spotted face.

"Ha," she said. "I got you. No chocolate cupcakes for Leo."

Leo looked at her innocently from under his chocolate flavoured lashes. "Only thing left to do is... HUG YOU!"

Calypso eyes widened. "No!" She squealed, running out of the kitchen, out of the Auto Shop and around Camp Half-Blood.

Leo found his girlfriend hiding behind Piper.

"Save me!" Calypso yelled, trying to use Piper as a shield.

Piper wiggled out of her arms. "Sorry. Not this time, Cal. Have fun!" she laughed over her shoulder, walking away.

Leo caught ahold of Calypso and gave her giant squeeze, shaking his head like a dog, causing chocolate batter to cover her face.

"I hate you, Valdez," Calypso announced, yet she stopped trying to escape from his hold.

Leo pecked her on the lips. "Nah. You love me."

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