48: Thaluke

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Thalia and Luke would often do silly little things to pass the time when they were hiding in their safe houses. Mostly, they just trained, but occasionally, Luke would steal things to keep them occupied, like crayons and colouring books, or a pack of cards. They'd sit together and do things, having a contest over who was the best artist, or the champion of cards.

Thalia usually had a song stuck in her head while they did this, often a Green Day one. She would start to sing them out loud, at first not realising it, but as soon as she reached her favourite part, she would jump around, belting the song at the top of her lungs. Luke would sometimes join in if he knew the lyrics.

Thalia wasn't a great singer by any means. But he never told her to stop, because it was just one of the many things he loved about Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus.

Luke never told her that.

He wished he did.

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