56: Jercy

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A Jercy Brotp Moment

Percy pulled the steaming hot brownies out of the oven. Jason watched over his shoulder. The two had used the recipe given to them by the ichthyocentaurs and had followed every instruction to the letter, remembering Frank's tip not to add too much butter.

The result?


Percy took a bit of one. "Bro, these brownies are so good!"

Jason tried some. "Bro... These brownies."

Percy shoved the rest of the brownie in his mouth. "These aren't brownies," he declared. "These are BROnies."

Jason nodded. "Bronies. I like it. Bro, pass me another Bronie."

They had demolished half the tray when Piper walked in, led by the delicious aroma wafting out the door. She spied the newly renamed bronies.

"Oh yum! Can I have a brownie?" Piper asked.

Percy and Jason exchanged a glance. "What brownies?" Percy asked innocently.

Piper rolled her eyes. "Oh I don't know, maybe the ones sitting right next to you?"

Percy have an exaggerated show of looking around him. "I don't see any brownies. Do you Jason?"

Piper gave a frustrated growl.

Jason grinned. "Nope. I do however see BROnies."

Piper lost her anger for a second to confusion. "Bronies? What the Hades are they?"

Percy patted the bronies next to him. "These bad bros right here. Made by bros for bros."

Piper sighed. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!"

Percy put his hand to his heart. "Stupid? No. It's brotiful actually. Please don't insult a masterpiece."

The Cherokee girl rubbed her temples. "Whatever. Can I have one?"

Jason patted Piper's arm. "I don't know how to say this nicely Pipes, but you just aren't bro enough to have a bronie."

Piper threw her hands up, too distracted by the stupidness of the situation to even use charmspeak. "Ugh!" She stalked out of the kitchen.

Percy handed Jason another bronie. The two shared a bro fist.

"And the bromance strikes again!" Percy grinned.

"I HEARD THAT!" Piper yelled.

A/N: A Jercy brotp, as requested by like a million people! Or five, what ever works. Was this bro enough for all of you?

Guys, I'm so happy! This story has almost 900 votes! And this is the 56th chapter. That is dedication for me.

I have to go play netball now... Outside... In the rain... Wish me luck!

Anyway, next ship?

Love always,
Raylee xx

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