65: Reynico

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"Nico, give me a hand here," Reyna called to the son of Hades who was currently on the other side of the cabin. He dropped the book he was reading and grudgingly crossed the room. "Pick me up, I can't reach this part of the roof." 

Nico sighed, though a small smile played on his lips, and wrapped his arms around Reyna's waist. She pretended to struggle putting up the star in her hands for a few moments before she finally put it in place. Nico let her down. Reyna looked up at the roof, feeling rather blushy, and trying her best to hide her face. 

In opes of seeming casual, she admired her handiwork. Hundreds of glow-in-the-dark stars had been put on the roof in the forms of the constellations that Reyna knew off by heart. Hopefully it'd look nice in the dark.

"Turn the light off," she instructed Nico. 

He obliged, and the light vanished from the room. It took a second for Reyna's eyes to adjust the darkness, but eventually Reyna's eyes managed to make out the plastic mortal objects on the ceiling. They emitted a dull green light, no where near as beautiful as the real thing, but it was far too cold to be outside tonight. 

"It actually doesn't look half bad," Nico admitted. 

Reyna gave his shoulder (at least, she thought it was his shoulder) a light push. "You know it looks better than you," she replied. Lie. "So do you wanna get started?" 

"Sure," he agreed. 

"Okay, so see that cluster of stars over there?" Nico nodded. "That's Andromeda, you know, like the girl in the story who was chained to a rock. And over there is the Big Dipper. And that one is-"

"Capricorn, I know," Nico cut in gently. "I know all of them Reyna."

Reyna turned to face him, surprise written across her features. "You do? Then what was the point of this?" She gestured to the fake stars. 

"We got to spend time together," he pointed out. 

"But Nico, we always spend time together," Reyna argued. "We're best friends."

Nico shrugged, appearing to be studying the ceiling that had taken so much time. "I guess, but it's never just us, you know? There's always someone else in the way." 

What was he saying? Was he.. No. Reyna felt her cheeks start to heat up at the thought, and was suddenly glad for the darkness of the room. "They're our friends, too, Neeks." Even to her, it sounded like a weak argument. 

"Yeah, I know." Nico turned to face her. "But if we weren't alone, I wouldn't be able to do this." He cupped her face in his long, slim hands and kissed her.

 When he pulled away, he whispered in her ear, "I think I kinda like you, Reyna." 

Reyna smiled, a wide smile that surely the whole world could see. He had no idea how many times she had dreamed of hearing those words. She pressed her lips against his again. "I think I kinda like you too."

A/N: Sorry about how crap this is guys. I was planning a fantastical one that actually made you have feels, but I just couldn't write it. Ugh. 

I'm really sorry about I promised this "amazing" thing ages ago, and only posted it now. I had the idea ages ago, but I've been sick, super tired, ultra busy, and not really in the mood to write. You know what? No. Enough excuses. I was just a lazy bastard of an author. Sorry guys. 

Anyway, this isn't the last update for today. 

I love you all to the moon and back. I could not ask for better readers than you guys. <3 You're all perfection. 

- Raylee xo

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