23: Percabeth

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Sally took three year old Percy's hand as they walked to playgroup. She thought it was important that Percy made some new friends before he started pre-k.

Sally led Percy into the centre. She opened the gate, but Percy didn't go in.

"Mommy, I dow't wanna go." He gave her his best puppy-dog eyes.

It was Sally could do to not cave in. Percy's wide green eyes and cute little chubby face was adorable. Sally kneeled down to her son's height.

"Percy, you get to make some new friends for school. Don't you want to make some new friends?"

Percy pulled a face, like he was thinking about it. "Okay, Mommy."

Sally gave him a quick hug and pushed him through the gate, coming in after him. He looked at the other kids, playing games that involved lots of running around. There were stations for finger painting, water play and reading. Almost every child had somebody to play with. The moms sat in a corner, watching the children and gossiping about the latest celebrity scandal. Sally was easily the youngest mom there. She turned to Percy.

"Go on, Perce. Go play," she said. "Look, they have water play over there."

Percy's face lit up as he looked in the direction Sally was pointing. Sally knew that Percy would enjoy himself over there. He loved the water, just like his father. Percy ran off, running as fast as he chubby legs would take him, but to Sally's surprise ran straight past the water play. He went to the reading area and sat down next to a young girl with curly blonde hair. She was sitting alone. Percy said something that made the girl look up from the picture book on her lap and smile.

Sally went to sit with the other moms, who immediately took her under their wing. After about two hours, Sally decided it was Percy's nap time. She walked over to the reading area to find Percy holding the blonde girl's hand. She was asleep and Percy was watching her seriously.

"Percy," Sally whispered. "It's time to go."

Percy shook his head. "I can't Mommy. I'm pwotecting Annabef from the monsters."

Sally's heart stopped for a second before she realised that they were just three year olds with wild imaginations. "That's very sweet, Perce, but we still need to go."

Percy sighed. "Okay." He shook Annabeth awake. "Hey Annabef. I have to go."

Annabeth sat up, brushing a blonde curl out of her grey eyes. She gave Percy a hug. "Bye Seaweed Brain. Be careful of the monsters."

Percy nodded, very seriously. "I will be." He took Sally's hand and waved to the Annabeth, who waved back.

Sally led him out of the centre. "So did you have fun with Annabeth?"

Percy nodded happily. "She called me a Seaweed Bwain and I called her a pwincess."


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