2: Solangelo

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Will decided he was going to take Nico on a date. His boyfriend had seemed quiet all week and Will knew he could cheer him up. However, Will wanted it to be a surprise and also the best date ever, so he went to the Aphrodite cabin for help.

Piper answered the door. "What's up?" she said.

Will was a bit nervous. He had heard how the Aphrodite cabin liked to 'help'. "Uh, well, I wanted to, um, plan a, uh, da-"

One of Piper's siblings, Lacy, poked her head around the door. "Oooh! A date, for you and Nico?"

Will nodded. Piper and Lacy both squealed in excitement.
"How cute!" Lacey said.

"And you want our help?" Piper guessed.

Will nodded. Piper and Lacey looked at each other.

"We're in."

A few hours later, the Aphrodite cabin had organized everything. They had given Will a list of things he needed to remember and had sorted everything from how he was going to wear his hair to the song they would play in the background. Will felt like they were prepping for battle and from the Aphrodite cabin's point of view, they probably were.

Eventually, when they decided Will was ready, they shooed him out of the cabin. Piper instructed him to go down to the small, secluded part of the woods behind the cabins, promising that they would get Nico down there. Will walked to the place, ready to surprise his boyfriend. He got the surprise though.

Nico was already waiting there, holding something behind his back. He grinned at Will. The Aphrodite cabin had dressed him up as well.

"Nico, what are you doing here?" Will asked, bewildered.

"Surprising you, duh," Nico explained.

"But I was supposed to surprise you," Will complained.

"All part of the plan. Piper helped me out."

"So that's why you've been moody all week."

"Yeah, I knew you'd try and cheer me up, so I decided to make you happy."

"That's my job, though, Death Boy."

Nico smiled. He pulled flowers out from behind his back and handed them to Will. He kissed him on the nose.

"How about it can be both of our job, Sunny?" Nico whispered into Will's ear.

Will replied by kissing him on the lips.

A/N: So that's number 2! Idk, I really liked this one. I just love Solangelo!! Solangelo basically means Sun Angel, which makes it the cutest ship name in the whole fandom.

I also liked giving the two nicknames, idk why. Was it any good? Look guys, I figured out how to do Mickey Mouse or some weird thing but I like it: '•.•'

Don't you think it's adorable? Idk, don't judge, I'm super bored. Have you guys read any of the Percy Jackson Facebook fanfiction things on Wattpad? It's hilarious. Just saying. Well some of them.

Okay I'm probably creeping you guys out, so I'll ask my trivia question and go:

What is Frank's nickname from his grandmother?

So yeah, guess I have to go now... Byeeeeeeeeee!

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