13: Tratie

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Travis had been wanting to ask Katie out for a while now, but he wanted to do right. He decided to pick some flowers from the Demeter cabin to give to her. Travis decided it didn't matter if they did the hard work growing them - she could just replant them right?

Travis snuck around the back of Cabin 4 and sure enough, found a garden overflowing with beautiful flowers all in full bloom, despite the fact that it was the middle of winter. A couple of pink lilies caught the son of Hermes' eye. He decided he would give those to Katie. She was sure to love them. He bent down to pick them. Travis had just pulled the lilies from the ground when he heard someone behind him.

"And just what do you think you're doing picking my lilies?"

Travis whipped around and and saw Katie standing there. Despite the hard glare Katie was giving him, he still thought she looked beautiful. Her dark hair whipped around her face in the icy wind and her tan skin was just gorgeous. It was in that moment that Travis decided he was in love with Katie Gardiner.

"I, uh," Travis tried.

"I grew those lilies from tiny little seeds, and they were my absolute favourites! Now I have to grow them all over again! Do you know how hard it is to do that in winter, Stoll?" Katie huffed. Travis shook his head meekly. "No of course you don't, you no-good, thieving son of Hermes!"

Katie eyed him angrily, then turned on her heel and stomped back towards the door to her cabin. Travis bit his lip. It was now or never.

"Katie! Wait!"

She turned around. "What?"


Katie looked confused. "Say that again, but slower this time."

Travis took a deep breath and step toward. He held out the pink lilies. "Katie, I'm really sorry about picking your flowers but I was wondering if you would go on a date with me."

Katie tapped her chin thoughtfully. Eventually she shook her head. "No." Travis' heart sunk. He looked at the ground. "But," she continued. "If you ask me again in five seconds when I'm finished being angry with you, I may just yes."

Travis was filled with happiness. On his hand, he counted to five. When his little finger went up, he looked at Katie hopefully."Katie will you go on a date with me?"

She grinned and nodded. "Of course Travis." Katie wrapped her arms around Travis' neck and kissed him him full on the lips. It took Travis a second to realise what was happening but then kissed her back.

Katie pulled back and looked at him in eyes seriously. "But if you ever pick any of these plants again, you can consider yourself a bachelor for life." Travis nodded, too happy that Katie said yes to care.

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