5: Frazel

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Frank and Hazel had been dating for a while now. Five years, to be precise. Frank thought that it was time to propose. Percy and Jason had proposed to their girlfriends in the flashiest possible ways. They both used their powers. Frank's ideas were becoming extreme before he remembered something Annabeth had told him almost five years ago on the Argo II - keep it simple. Eventually he decided on some plans, so it could be a classy proposal, like the ones Hazel had grown up with.

So on Hazel's birthday, Frank took Hazel to a flashy restaurant. He had organized with the Venus girls to pick out everything, from flowers to food. The whole night, Frank was on edge. He thought Hazel had noticed because she was starting at him strangely.

Finally, after dinner and dessert, the lights went off. The whole restaurant, went quiet. Music started playing in the background, a romantic song from one of Hazel's favourite bands. Frank didn't really like it but anything for his girl, right?

When the lights turned on, Frank was kneeling in front of Hazel, a little box clasped in his hand. Hazel gasped.

"Hazel Grace Levesque," Frank said. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Hazel stared at him, momentarily speechless, before crying, "Yes, yes, yes Frank! Of course I will!"

The restaurant exploded into applause. Frank took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her hand. She kissed him.

When they broke apart Hazel looked at her fiancé. "That proposal," she said.

Frank sighed, regretting his choice not to go with the extreme ideas.

"Was the sweetest thing and couldn't have been better!" Hazel finished.

Frank grinned and kissed her again.

A/N: Hi guys! I would just like to say... Eeeeeeekkk! I love Frazel. I can't really imagine Hazel with anyone else. Did you guys see what I did with Hazel's full name? I just couldn't resist.

So I have exciting news! I'm so happy - someone voted for this story. They're like, my new best friend! Their name is *drum roll*

@annabethchase916 !!

I'm keeping my word and giving them the dedi. Also, readers, please don't forget to vote (you might get the next dedication) and comment on what ship I should do next.

Thanks guys, you readers that show this isn't for nothing mean the world to me. Oh gods I sound cheesy.

Anyway, byeeeeeeeeeee!

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