17: Lazel

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Leo was in love with Hazel. There was no denying it. Of course, he always had a habit of falling in love with girls who would never love him back. Despite this, Leo couldn't help but feel like this time it would be different.

He hadn't broken his promise to Frank - he hadn't made a move on her and was keeping his distance. He could love from afar right? At least, that's what Leo thought until he found Hazel sobbing in the pegasi stables.

He went up to her. "Hazel? Are you okay?"

Hazel looked up at him. "No," she sobbed. "Frank, he- he-"

"What did he do?" Leo demanded. "Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?"

Hazel shook her head. "He- he broke up with me."

Leo was stunned. Frank broke up with her? But he loved her... Didn't he? "Why?"

"He- he said I wasn't good enough," Hazel sniffled, wiping her eyes with the heel of her palm. "That I was too young, and-"

"Ssh," Leo whispered, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Don't listen to him, okay? You're perfect - beautiful, strong, powerful, and, and... I love you."

He regretted the words the instant they fell out of his mouth. She was dealing with a breakup. Hazel didn't need to deal with this too. He started to pull his arm back from her shoulders.

Instead of the slap Leo imagined was coming, Hazel hugged him tightly.

"Please don't leave, Leo," she whispered in his ear. "Stay."

When Leo landed on Ogygia two weeks later, he made a vow - a vow to get back to Hazel. So Leo turned out just like all the other heroes Calypso had fallen for, because he couldn't leave the love of his life.

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