31: Cabin 10's Party Pt 1

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After the second war, Camp Half-Blood was quite. Too quite some people thought. Cabin 10 decided they wanted to hold a party for the 5th of January, to celebrate the last of the 12 Days of Christmas, they said. Well, to be precise, Drew wanted to hold the party, but the rest of the cabin seemed to like the idea except for Piper. Of course she was the one who had to talk to Chiron about it, so the children of Aphrodite and a few other demigods did everything they could to make her agree. The persuasion process involved lots of Drew's useless charmspeak and hours of pleading from everyone else.

Piper finally gave in when Lacy came up to her. "Pipes?" Lacy asked with her big green eyes. "Please let us to this party. All you have to do is talk to Chiron, we'll do everything else. Please?"

Piper bit her lip, then sighed. She knew that she couldn't say no to Lacy, she was just too adorable. Plus, Piper later suspected, Lacey had some powerful charmspeak but just didn't realise it yet. Or perhaps she did.

"Fine," Piper agreed. "I'll go talk to him. But," she added, looking around at the Aphrodite kids who had gathered. "If I have to help with anything, I'll call it off. This is party is yours."

There were few squeals and a chorus of "Yes Piper! Thank you Piper!" Lacy started bouncing up and down like she did when she was excited. Drew immediately gathered a group and started planning.

Despite the fact that she was tired and sweaty from training just before, Piper got up off her lazy butt to go see Chiron. He was sitting on the porch of the Big House with Mr D playing pinochle. They both looked up as Piper approached.

"Hello, Piper," Chiron said kindly.

"Hello Chiron," Piper said. "Mr D." She nodded at the god of wine.

"Something you want Penny?" Mr D asked, looking extremely bored.

"Um, yes well," Piper hesitated. "Cabin 10 would like to hold a party for the last day of Christmas. That is, if we get permission from you."

"A party?" Mr D sat up, interested now.


"And what exactly will this party involve?"

"I'm not exactly sure - Drew is running it, but I can guess that there will be a lot of clothes organising, food and quite a few games of Spin the Bottle."

Chiron frowned. "I'm not sure Piper."

Mr D slapped his cards on the table, making Chiron jump. "Oh come on," the god complained. "I haven't been to a party for months. And you have to admit, this old run-down place has been even more boring than usual."

Chiron sighed. "I suppose it won't hurt anyone, but there will be a few rules."

Mr D groaned.

"What are they?" Piper asked.

"One: No one under fifteen is allowed. Two: No alcohol." Mr D groaned. Chiron ignored him and continued. "Three: Keep it PG."

Piper smiled at the last one. "We'll try. Thanks Chiron! Thanks Mr D!"

As she ran off, Mr D called behind her, "Make sure it's a good party, Pepper!"

Piper nodded and went off to go tell Cabin 10.

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