49: Caleo

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Leo lay on the bed next to Calypso, who was curled up with a book. He was silent for a few seconds, then sighed loudly.

"What are you doing?"

"Reading," Calypso answered calmly, turning a page.

"But why? That's so boring!" Leo whined.

"Some of us like it. Books are interesting," Calypso replied, nibbling on a strand on her caramel hair as her eyes scanned the page.

Leo fiddled with the blanket impatiently. Calypso kept reading, apparently unaware of her boyfriend's inner turmoil of boredom. Eventually he sighed again.

"When are you going to finish?" he asked in a plaintive voice.

Calypso raised her eyebrows over her book, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Aw, does wittle Weo want to pway?" she teased.

Leo stuck his tongue out at her and crossed his arms childishly. "No." When Calypso just grinned, the curly haired boy pouted. "Maybe. Yes."

Calypso laughed. "Too bad. I'm reading. You can go play elsewhere."

"You suck, Caly," Leo declared, but he didn't move from his position on the bed.

Calypso smiled and continued reading, until she felt Leo's hand trail up her leg. She dropped her book and swatted his hand away.

"Don't," she warned him. "That tickled."

Leo grinned evilly. "Ticklish, are we?"

Calypso swallowed, realising her mistake. "Oh Hades."

Leo pounced on her and tickled sides.

"Stop!" she shrieked in between giggles. "Stop! Please!"

"Nope!" Leo grinned. "You wouldn't stop reading. This is what you get. Too much reading is bad!"

"No it's- Please!" Calypso gasped. "Stop, stop, stop!"


Calypso tried whacking him with a pillow, but he dodged the attack and persisted in tickling her. An idea struck her. She stopped laughing.

"If you don't stop I won't give you kisses for a week."

Leo dropped his hands in shock and stared at his girlfriend in horror. "You wouldn't."

Calypso ran away from Leo, and stood in the cabin doorway, the door open for a quick escape. . "You're right. I wouldn't," she admitted. "But you stopped!"

Leo glared at his girlfriend. "That was just pure evil."

"So was tickling me," she pointed out.

"But does this mean I still get kisses?" Leo asked hopefully.

Calypso laughed lightly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips as her answer. "Just let me finish my chapter."

"How long will that take."

"The rest of the book," she lied, showing him the half of the book she had left.

Leo pouted. "Fine. But only because I love you."

"Sure, Repair Boy. Whatever you say."

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