7: Thalico

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At first Thalia tried to hide her feelings for Nico. She told herself that he had no feelings for him. She was a Hunter, sworn off men foor eternity. Right?

But she couldn't hide forever. Aphrodite came down to Thalia, seeing how much pain she was in. She just said four words.

"He loves you too."

Aphrodite disappeared. Thalia went up to Lady Artemis.

"My lady, I am retiring from the Hunters. I am sorry."

Artemis sighed, because she knew this day would come. She waved her hand and Thalia's silver jacket, circlet and bow dissolved. Artemis granted Thalia safe passage to Camp Half-Blood.

When Thalia arrived, she went straight to Cabin 13. She knocked on the door. Nico came out. His eyes widened when he saw her.

"Thalia, what-"

Thalia stepped closer. "Shut up and kiss me."

He did.

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