15: Reynico

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Nico watched the party from a distance. It was the last night of the month-long celebration of the defeat of Gaia. It was also Camp Jupiter's last night at Camp-Half-Blood. Nico had been invited to join in, but he declined. It was awkward. Everyone had someone, except him. He regretted boy having enough courage to ask Reyna out. Reyna. Beautiful, strong, perfect, Reyna. Ha! As if Reyna would go out with him. He was gawky and she was gorgeous. He was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. Keep dreaming, he told himself sourly.

Nico watched moodily as the demigods, both Roman and Greek started up a giant game of Truth or Dare. There was a lot of laughing and kissing. Leo stripped and jumped in the lake naked. Nico felt sorry for the naiads that chased him out - even from here he was scarred for life. The game progressed. Eventually, a figure stood up and made their way to Nico. As the figure got closer, he could see it was Reyna. Her dark hair was in its trademark side braid, but tonight she wasn't wearing her usual praetor clothes. She was wearing a strapless purple dress that went down to her knees. Nico's heart fluttered at the sight of her. His palms were sweaty.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," Nico managed to choke out.

"What are you doing here?" Reyna asked.

"Being here," he said as casually as he could.

"Not enjoying the party?" she guessed.

He hesitated. "I didn't come," Nico admitted. Before she could press him further, he spoke again. "Why are you here? Not playing?"

"I am actually," Reyna said. "I just got dared to kiss my crush."

"So what are..." Nico trailed off as realisation struck. "Oh." He had to fight a giddy smile off his face. He took a step forward. Reyna looked down at her sandals, embarrassed. "Good thing I like you too," Nico whispered.

Reyna looked up at him, her obsidian eyes wide. The next thing Nico knew was that they were kissing. He was kissing Reyna. And Reyna was kissing him!

They broke apart blushing to wolf whistles and cheers from the onlookers who had crept up on them. The Aphrodite and Venus girls were shouting something about Reynico, whatever that was. Percy was holding a camera, smirking.

"Let's go back to the party!" Leo yelled, thankfully dressed now. "You coming this time Death Breath?"

Nico nodded happily, not even objecting to the nickname. With their fingers entwined, Nico and Reyna followed the others back to the party. Together.

A/N: I had so much fun writing this, even though had to write it four times - stupid Wattpad!!! Anyways...

I do ship Reynico but it is third on my Nico Ship List. Solangelo comes first, with Thalico as a close second. NICO IS MY BABY! Okay I just had to say that.

I put a line in this from a John Green book. If anyone can guess which line and what book, you get the next chapter. That reminds me - this one goes to @annabethchase916 .

Remember to request the next ship.


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