32: Cabin 10's Party Pt 2

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It was January 5th. Piper had seriously wanted to cocoon herself in her blankets and just lie there for the rest of eternity, preferably with Maltesers and her laptop. Yes. That would be lovely.

But no such luck. Lacy stripped her covers off her and Piper was forced to get up. Feeling grubby, she went into the bathroom had a shower. She wore a comfortable outfit consisting of her Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Piper walked out the bathroom, intending to go straight to breakfast. However she was stopped at the cabin door by the other children of Aphrodite forming a blockade.

"And where do you think you're going looking like that?" Drew demanded.

"On today of all days?" Lacy added.

"Um, outside?" Piper said, but it ended up as more of a question.

All her siblings exchanged glances. They nodded, then all stared at Piper with their eyebrows raised. Piper felt very small under the scrutiny of their gazes. She hated how all her siblings could communicate through just a single glance when it came to fashion.

"So can I go?" she asked meekly.

Mitchell threw back his head and laughed evilly. "As if, McClean. You think they-" he gestured to her other siblings now crowding around her, "are going to let you go? Hell no."

Oh schist, Piper thought. Makeover time.


By the time her sisters Drew, Lacy, Ava and Alicia were done with with her, Piper looked like she had the night of the claiming. Except her clothes were a bit more modern. She had been forced to wear make-up and have her hair styled into a fishtail braid. When she said she'd take it all off, they had all laughed at her. Apparently all week, Cabin 10 had been praying to Aphrodite to help them with everyone elses' wardrobe and make-up, burning lipstick and, Drew had cried telling her this, a brand new designer brand shirt. Their prayers had must have been answered, because the braid wasn't coming out any time soon and the make-up wasn't coming off. She tried to change out of the tight, purple long-sleeve shirt and the Aztec patterned tights, and she attempted to take-off the wedges she had been forced into, but with no avail.

So that was why Piper had stomped all the way down to breakfast two hours later than she wanted to. She met Percy and Annabeth, who were sitting together at a table (the rule about sitting at your godly parent's table now abolished), so Piper went to sit with them. They looked up as she sat down.

"Hey Pipes-- woah, what happened to you?" Percy said, his eyes wide.

"Don't say anything, Jackson," Piper growled. "You're going to get it later too."

Annabeth smiled. "Aw, poor Piper. Has to to wear make-up. Such torture."

Piper pulled Annabeth's plate over to her and started eating her pancakes. "You'll get the same treatment later, Beth. All part of the party."

Annabeth snorted. "If anyone comes near me with that stuff, they will find themselves in the infirmary."

"What about Aphrodite?"

Annabeth's eyes widened. "No!" she gasped. "She wouldn't!"

Piper smirked. "Oh yes she would. And you have no choice."

Annabeth glanced up at Percy in horror. "Seaweed Brain, we have to go hide."

"I'm not getting make-up as well, am I?" Percy asked worriedly.

"I wouldn't be to sure," Piper teased.

Percy screamed and grabbed Annabeth's hand. "Come on Annabeth! To my cabin! We will watch Spongebob and eat blue Skittles!"

Annnabeth jumped up and followed her boyfriend out of the pavilion before Piper could tell Percy there were no blue Skittles. She shrugged and kept eating Annabeth maple-syrup covered pancakes. Suddenly Percy re-appeared at the table. He grabbed his plate that had half-eaten blue waffles and clutched it to his chest.

"Oh and you have no idea where we are, okay?" Percy said, looking up at her with his puppy dog eyes.

Piper had to try really hard not to cave. "No way, Perce. If I have to go, you have to go."

Percy ran out of the pavilion with his blue waffles yelling, "Annabeth! We have to hide in your cabin now!"

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