36: So who... Percabeth

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Okay, so I have seen heaps of these around and I thought I'd try my hand at it.

So who is the better cook?
Annabeth. Percy can't cook to save his life. And besides, you really think Annabeth is letting Percy anywhere near the kitchen?

So who is more social media addicted?
Percy obviously. All has do is post a selfie with the caption 'The TV remote is on the other side of the couch #thestruggleisreal' and he'll get 600000000 likes.

So who gets jealous?
You'd think it'd be Annabeth, with Percy being Percy and all, but Percy is actually the one to get jealous. If that guy thinks he's going anywhere with his girlfriend, think again.

So who is the cuddler?
Percy. Annabeth can get annoyed with this because he'll often sneak up behind while she's working and distract her.

So who is the best with kids?
Annabeth. She learnt form Luke and Thalia, and the kids seem to love her just as much, even when she makes them read.

So who is the best parent?
Percy. He was actually really scared to be a dad, but when he held the baby he was really gentle as though the baby might break. He also spoils the kids. A lot.

So who picked out the baby names?
Both. They sort of agreed to name them after lost friends. There's Silena Sally, Zoë Bianca, Lucas (Luke) Frederick and Charles Ethan.

So who is the stay at home parent?
Annabeth. She can work as an architect from home, while Percy has to work at the Marine Biology lab.

So who meets up with the other of the seven most often?
Um, this is hard to say. Probably Annabeth. I mean, if you don't think her, Piper and Hazel meet to start shipping their children, you're wrong.

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