34: The Original Trio

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It was Percy's fourteenth birthday, and Annabeth and Grover wanted to celebrate it with him. The three of them were going to have a small party in Percy's cabin and watch movies - probably Finding Nemo if Percy got his way. They were both going to get Percy a present, though Percy had insisted that it wasn't necessary, as long as they supplied blue cake.

Annabeth wasn't going to listen to him though. He had gotten her a birthday present (a rather large on book on architecture, which she loved) and she wasn't going to be in his debt any longer. She would make it the best gift ever... If she knew what to get him.

That is why, on August 17, Silena Beauregard found Annabeth sitting on the steps of Cabin 6 watching the volleyball game in the courtyard with a thoughtful expression on her face. Silena went up to Annabeth and touched her hesitantly on the shoulder. The last time anyone had disturbed Annbeth thinking, they had ended up in the infirmary.

Annabeth jumped at the touch. She whipped her head around to see Silena there. "Oh hi," she said absently.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Silena asked, her voice laced with concern.

Annabeth nodded, then shook her head. "No! I'm completely and utterly stuck."

Silena looked shocked. A child of Athena, stuck? That was impossible, their logic never failed them... Unless maybe logic couldn't solve this. She sat down next to Annabeth.


Annabeth sighed. "Alright then. I need to get Percy a birthday present, but I don't know what to get him! I mean, for my birthday he gave me a book on architecture, and I love it! Ugh, I suck." As Annabeth said the last sentence, she dramatically hung her head.

Silena clapped excitedly. "Does this mean you and Percy are finally-"

She was cut off by Annabeth glaring at her, her cheeks furiously red. "NO! I don't like Seaweed Brain, never have, never will! And he doesn't like me either! We're just friends!"

"Mmkay," Silena said with a grin. "If you say so."

"I do say so."

"Well, I can give you an idea for a present," Silena offered.

"For what price?" Annabeth asked shrewdly, her eyes narrowing at the girl in front of her.

"Kiss Percy when you give it to him."

"What?!" Annabeth exclaimed. "No way! There is no way in Tarturus I'm kissing Percy!" She emphasised her words by slapping Silena with each one.

"What would it matter... I mean, you're just friends right? He won't care, especially if you tell him it was for a dare," Silena smirked at the daughter of Athena.

Annabeth fumed. On the outside she looked furious, caught by her own cleverness while inside she died a bit when Silena said Percy wouldn't care. She had two options: Get the present for her best friend, but with the possibility of getting heart broken, or play it safe but get a lame gift for Percy. Ugh! Why was life so hard? Hmmm, maybe if she agreed, but never promised...?

"Fine," she snapped finally. "What's the gift?"

"Nuh-uh," Silena said teasingly waving a finger in front of her face. "Swear on the River Styx, first."

Annabeth inwardly cursed. These Aphrodite girls were smarter than what she have them credit for. "I swear on the River Styx that I will give Percy a kiss when I give him his gift." Thunder rumbled in the distance.

Satisfied, Silena smiled. "Okay, so why don't you make a scrapbook? Of all the times you've had together?"

Annabeth fingered the grey lock in her hair, the same lock that Percy now had - for her. "That could work," Annabeth said slowly. She jumped and ran into her cabin. "I've got to go! Thank you, Silena!"

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