51: Tysella

859 39 14

Often, Ella would often fall asleep reading one of her many books. Her feathers would be all crumpled and her fingers wrapped tightly around the delicate pages of her book.

Tyson would smooth out her feathers, brushing out her brilliant red plumage, just so he could feel the silkiness of them between his fingers. Then he would carry her off to bed and the two of them would lie between the sheets, an entanglement of limbs and wings.

Yet, somehow, Tyson would still somehow manage to slip out in the early mornings so that he could start work in the forges. Before he left though, he would place a kiss on Ella's forehead and leave her a badly misspelled note telling Ella how beautiful she was.

A/N: Your support is amazing and I could not ask for more. 10K views? Please, I thought I was dreaming. 600+ votes? I swear I almost died. 100+ comments? GUYS.


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Kay. Until next time.

Love always,
Raylee xx

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