Chapter 46

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I groan in pain and pull away the plate filled with food, I search in my bag for some pain relievers but when I don't find any I groan again and grip my hair with my hands

"Are you alright Y/n?" Hermione asks me

"Yeah, it's just that time of the month"

She nods and pats me on the shoulder showing me an understanding smile

"What happens that time of the month?"

"Ron...nothing is happening" I say as I try to eat something

He insists and I try to ignore him for as long as I can but when he asks the same question for the fifth time I snap at him

"I'm on my period Ron!"

He blushes and quickly looks away, we don't talk for the rest of breakfast and as we walk towards our first class of the day I reach the red headed boy

"Hey...I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier" I tell him

"It's fine, no problem at all"


After getting some pain relievers from Madam Pomfrey I go to the courtyard and when I see Hermione I sit next to her

"How's it going?"

"I'm still in pain" I say

I lay my head against the tree and try to relax but I find it impossible

"I want cuddles...Lauren's cuddles...can you go search for her and tell her I want cuddles?"

"Can't you just cuddle with me?"

"Nooo, I want Lauren" I pout like a baby


She smiles and gets up, some time later I finally see the girl that I like and I smile


"Hey...Hermione said you needed me"

"Yes...I want cuddles" I open my arms

She giggles and sits next to me, when she opens her arms I lay my back against her front and try to relax. A few minutes later she starts rubbing my lower abdomen with her fingers and, when I feel some relief after so much pain, I let out a satisfied moan

She abruptly stops moving her fingers and I feel her stiffen behind me, I turn my head and look at her

"Something wrong?"

"N-no, i-it's just..."

I bite my lip when I notice that our faces are so close and I start leaning in

Is this finally happening?

When our lips are about to touch something hits the back of my head and I groan. I throw the soccer ball back at the boys and look down at the ground

"I- I just remembered that I have to go do something...I- I'll see you later"

Lauren leaves and I groan in frustration

Why is it that when we're about to kiss someone or something always interrupts us?


I'm watching the last Quidditch match of the year with Harry and Hermione when Hagrid calls us

"Can you come with me now?" he asks

"Can't we wait until the match it's over?"

"No, we have to go now"

We follow him into the Forbidden Forest and I stay close to my muggle born friend

"Why are we going so deep into the forest?" I ask

"You'll see...we're almost there"

A few minutes later we stop walking and I hear a noise

"He's sleeping"


I notice that a mound of ground moves up and down and I gasp

" it what I think it is?" I ask the half giant

"I couldn't leave him! He's my half brother"

"But that's dangerous! He's the one that keeps beating you up, right?"

" need to take care of him for me"

I stare at the sleeping giant and furrow my eyebrows

How are we supposed to take care of him?

"This taking care...what's it about?" we ask

"You don't need to bring him just have to keep him some company and help him learn English" he says

"'ll do it, right?" he adds a few seconds later

"We'll try" I reply

"I'll wake him up so that he can meet you three"

My eyes widen when he says that and soon the giant wakes up. Harry, Hermione and I retreat as Grop stands up

When we return to the Quidditch pitch we notice that the game is over and we soon find out that we won the Quidditch cup


The O.W.L.S. will start in a few days and everyone is loosing their minds. On Monday we take our first exam and when I leave the Great Hall after taking it I start practicing a few spells for the practice exam

"Will you calm down? I'm already stressed enough and I don't need more stress" Lauren says

"I'm sorry"

A few days later we are on the Astronomy tower looking at the stars with a telescope for our exam. When there are only 20 minutes left we all witness something terrible

"No!" I shout when I see my grandma getting hit with a few Stunning spells

I try to leave but one of the examiners holds me back

"The exam isn't over"

"Please, let me go" I say on the verge of tears

"Go back to your telescope miss Y/l/n"

"Please! That's my grandma!"

He looks at me and a few seconds later he finally lets me pass, with tears in my eyes I quickly run outside and when I arrive I see that Madam Pomfrey is already there

"Please tell me that she'll be ok"

"She will be...we need to take her to St. Mungo"

I watch as she takes my grandma to the infirmary for the time being and I fall on my knees crying, soon I feel a pair of arms hug me and I instantly recognize Lauren's perfume

"She will be ok...she's a strong woman"

I cry on her chest and she carries me back inside the castle

Lauren and Pabllo! The remix is amazing 😍
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Love you lots 🌸

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