Chapter 51

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(A few weeks later)


After getting dressed and grabbing the money that my dad sent me I go downstairs

"Ready to go guys?" Mike asks us

Lauren, Chris and I nod and we start going towards the fireplace

"Why can't I go with them mom?" I hear Taylor say

"Because it's dangerous sweetheart"

One by one we use the floo network and we find ourselves at the Leaky Cauldron, when we arrive in Diagon Alley I notice that it isn't the same place it was last summer. Most shops are empty, the streets are less crowded and there are pictures of Death Eaters everywhere you look

"Stay close to each other and let's be quick alright?"

We nod and Lauren grabs my hand, I interlock our fingers and we go to Madame Malkin first because Lauren needs a new uniform since she got a little taller

As I wait for my green eyed friend to finish I hear the door opening and closing and I see that it's Malfoy and his hot mother

What? It's the truth

Ten minutes later we're ready to leave and as we're about to open the door we hear a voice

"Hey Lauren, hi Y/n"

I turn around and see Narcissa smiling at us, she hugs Lauren first and when she hugs me I blush a little. We talk for a few minutes and when we hear Malfoy's voice calling for his mother we decide that it's time to leave

My best friend leaves the shop and when I'm about to do the same someone grabs my wrist, I turn my head and find a pair of brown eyes staring at me

"It was nice seeing you again"

She kisses me on the cheek and smiles, I remain speechless and leave the shop blushing like crazy

"What the fuck was that?" I hear Lauren say

"I- I honestly don't know"

I touch the spot where Narcissa's lips have been just a few seconds ago and blush more, I smile a little and bite my lip. As I do that Lauren grabs my arms and makes me face her, I look into her beautiful green eyes and furrow my eyebrows


She leans down and presses her lips on the exact same spot where Narcissa's ones have been two minutes before


We get on the Hogwarts Express and search for a compartment, when we find one we place down our luggages and sit down, some time later the door opens and a girl hands Lauren a scroll of parchment

"What is it?"

"An invitation...from professor H. E. F. Slughorn" she reads

I read it too and look at my friend

"You can go" I say

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll just go find Hermione and the others"

She smiles and after kissing me on the cheek leaves, a few minutes later I decide to get up and go search for my friends. When it gets dark I see Neville entering the compartment and I get up to hug him

"Slughorn's lunch is over?"

He nods and I leave so that I can go put my uniform on, when I arrive back in my compartment I wrap my arms around Lauren's waist and hug her from behind

"How was lunch?" I ask

"Boring, I think I got invited just because my dad works at the Ministry"

I giggle and we start putting on our uniforms, as I get out of the train and walk towards the carriages I see Tonks and decide to go to her

"Hey Dora" I smile

"Hey Y/n/n" she hugs me

"What are you doing here?"

"Keeping an eye on the students...Dumbledore asked me and other aurors to come to Hogwarts for security measures"

I nod and kiss her on the cheek before rejoining Lauren, twenty minutes later I arrive in the Great Hall and I sit at the Gryffindor table

"Where's Harry?" I ask when dinner starts

"We don't know" Ron replies

I start eating and when it's time for the dessert I see the boy with glasses coming towards us

"Oh my god! What happened to your face?"

"What do you mean?" he asks

"You're covered in blood"

Hermione cleans him up with a spell and we eat the dessert, after that Dumbledore stands up and starts doing his usual speech

"I want you all to welcome professor Slughorn that will teach Potions"


"And professor Snape will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts"

Well, I wasn't expecting that

Dumbledore ends his speech a few minutes later and sends us to bed. I arrive in my dorm, change into my pajamas and lay in bed before falling asleep

Narcissa Malfoy is H.O.T...that's all I have to say
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Love you lots 🌸

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