Chapter 47

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"You-know-who took Sirius?" I ask

"Yes and I know where they are"

"Harry wait! How do we know that this isn't a part of Voldemort's plan?"

"Hermione's right...maybe it was...just a dream" I say

"It wasn't a dream! Sirius is in danger!"

Ginny, Luna, Neville and Lauren join us and Hermione makes a plan so that we can go inside Umbridge's office to use her fireplace so that we can contact Sirius and see if he really is in danger. Harry runs to the Gryffindor tower to get his invisibility cloak and when he comes back we start the plan

"Ok Harry go, I'll check the door" I say

"And I'll check the window"

A few minutes later someone grabs me and takes my wand, I try to get out of Malfoy's grip and when he punches me on the side I let out a groan

"Do that again and I swear you'll find yourself with a black eye when all of this is over" I hear Lauren say

"Shut up Jauregui"

As Umbridge is about to use the Cruciatus curse on the boy who lived I hear Hermione yell something

"No! Harry...we have to tell her"

"Come on miss Granger, tell me"

"W-we wanted to contact Dumbledore to tell h-him that the secret w-weapon is ready"

"Secret weapon? And where is it?"

Harry, Hermione and Umbridge leave and when the door closes I step on Malfoy's foot


We arrive in London and when the Thestral lands I try to get off of his back, since I can't see the magical creature I trip and fall but Lauren quickly catches me before I can hit the ground

"T-thank you" I blush

"No problem nugget"

We enter the Ministry of Magic and we follow Harry, we reach our destination and open the door

"This place is huge"

We walk around trying to find Sirius when Ron says something

"Harry...there's your name written here"

"What could that be?" I ask

"I don't know" he grabs it

"Well done Potter, now turn around and give it to me" a voice says

We all tense and turn around with our wands pointed at whoever it is

"Give me the prophecy Potter"

"Where is Sirius?"

"You know, you should be able to tell the difference between dreams and only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to give me the prophecy"

"You do anything to us and I'll break it" Harry says

Someone starts laughing and I see a woman coming towards us

"He knows how to play! Itty..."

Bellatrix Lestrange


We are standing in front of a big arch with a veil and we're trying to find a way to get out of here

"Get behind me!" Harry says

Death eaters fly down towards us and one of them grabs me, I try to fight but he points his wand at my throat and I stay still

"You really thought that a bunch of kids like you could stop us? Now give me the prophecy or watch your friends die"

As the boy with glasses is about to hand him the sphere a familiar face appears behind Lucius Malfoy

"Get away from my godson" Sirius punches him

The Order of the Phoenix arrives and a battle starts, Tonks and the others tell us to hide while they take care of the situation and we all watch what happens

"Avada Kedavra!" I hear

The killing curse hits Sirius and I watch as the man falls through the veil, I start crying when I hear Harry screaming his godfather name over and over again and I instantly hug Lauren


I kiss Tonks on the cheek and sit on a chair next to her bed

"How are you feeling?"

"A little bit aunt went a little hard on me" she giggles

"I can't believe you're related to that insane witch"

"Me neither"

We talk some more and when my grandma is ready to go I get up

"I'll see you soon, don't miss me too much"

"I'll write letters to you everyday for how much I'll miss you" she dramatically says

I giggle, kiss her on the cheek again and go towards my grandma

"Hey mom, how are you feeling?" my dad asks her

"I'm fine Y/f/n, I just need to rest"

We apparate in Hogsmeade and go towards the castle. A week later we walk towards the train station ready to go home and when we arrive in London I see a familiar pink head

"Nymphadora!" I hug her

I hold her close to me and I soon feel eyes on me

"I think your friend over there is a little jealous"

"Lauren's not jealous" I tell her

"Then let's make her jealous"

She grabs my chin with her thumb and index finger and places her lips on mine for a gentle kiss, I kiss her back and smile when I pull away

"You can thank me when she kisses you" she winks at me

I blush and turn around to look at my green eyed friend, I bite my lip when she quickly looks away and for the first time since I started crushing on her I think that she might actually be jealous

Mission for my 6th year...kiss Lauren

This time I decided to use the movie version instead of the book one because I like it more
I was thinking about making Lauren and Y/n kiss while they're drunk, but they won't remember the kiss until they kiss again during the battle, what do you guys think? Should I do it or stick to the idea of making them kiss for the first time during the battle?
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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