Chapter 29

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(A few weeks later)


After a long day of lessons I go back to the Gryffindor tower with the others and when we enter the common room we see a big crowd

"What are they looking at?"

When most of the crowd goes away we finally manage to read what is written on the big sign

Triwizard Tournament

The delegations of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 6 o'clock on Friday, October 30

"That's a week away"

Throughout the week all the students seemed to talk about was the Triwizard Tournament and the imminent arrival of the other two schools

Friday arrives and when it's almost time the teachers take us in front of the castle to wait. I bump into someone and when I look up I see Lauren with Brad next to her

The smile that was making it's way onto my face dies down as soon as I see the guy. I wave at them and then turn my back on them

Why is he always with Lauren?

Beauxbatons arrives in a big carriage pulled by huge flying horses and a few minutes later we see a huge ship from which the students of Durmstrang disembark

Now that the two schools are here we go back inside towards the Great Hall for dinner and start eating. When everyone is done Dumbledore stands up and starts telling the procedure they'll follow for the tournament

"Anyone who wishes to be a champion needs to write down its name and put it into the globet. You have 24 hours and then tomorrow night the goblet will give the names"

After explaining that he will put an age line around the goblet and that the ones who get choosen can't back down he sends us to bed


We go to breakfast and after that decide to go visit Hagrid. He starts making tea and we start a conversation that eventually ends up becoming a discussion about the tournament

"Just you wait guys. The first task...I can't say anything about it but in this tournament you'll see something you've never seen before" he says

"Come on! Tell us something more"

"I don't want to ruin your surprise"

We end up having lunch at Hagrid's and stay there with him for most of the day. When we notice that it was getting dark we decide to go back to the castle

The Halloween feast starts and we all start eating. When we're done Dumbledore blows out almost all of the candles and everyone waits for the goblet to make its decision

A piece of parchment comes out of it and the headmaster catches it

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" everyone claps

Another piece of parchment comes out

"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" we clap again

The third and last piece of parchment comes out of the goblet

"The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!"

"Now we have our three champions"

As Dumbledore speaks a fourth piece of parchment comes out and everyone looks at it curiously

"Harry Potter"


Since Harry has been chosen as the fourth champion the school, Ron in particular, has been helding a grudge on him

As we arrive in the dungeons for a Potions lesson we see the Slytherins with brooches on their uniforms

"Do you like them Potter?"

I take a look at one of them to see what's written on it

Cheer for Cedric Diggory
The real Hogwarts champion

And after you press the brooch it changes into

Potter sucks

I notice that Lauren is the only Slytherin, among the ones here, not wearing the brooch and I smile

"Thank you for not wearing it" I say when I'm next to her

"I might not be that close to Harry but I know that it wasn't his intention to be put into the tournament"

"Your support means a lot, especially now that the students have turned their back on him"

When I turn my head I see Harry and Malfoy firing a spell at each other and then I hear Ron calling Hermione's name as she covers her mouth. As I watch her front teeth grow Snape arrives and asks us what's happening

"Malfoy hit Hermione with his spell" we tell him

He looks at her and her growing front teeth and then says

"I don't see any difference"

Hermione, with tears in her eyes, runs away and Ron and Harry start shouting at professor Snape as I stare at him dumbfounded

He made her cry

That thought alone makes me boil so I stand up to give him a piece of my mind when Lauren grabs my wrist

"I know what you want to do but it's better if you don't say anything"

"You heard what he said! He's a professor and he should help students, not make them cry!"

"I know that Y/n, I'm mad too but you yelling at him will only get you a detention" she says

Knowing that she's right I try to calm down as we go inside the classroom. I sit next to Lauren and she holds my hand

"Hermione will be alright, we can go see her at the infirmary when class ends"

I nod with a little smile on my face and, with me glaring at Snape, the lesson starts

I love Snape but when I first read the scene of where he acted indifferent when Hermione's front teeth were growing and then made her cry with his made my blood boil
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Love you lots 🌸

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