Chapter 66

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When I arrive at the castle I try not to cry at the sight of the lifeless bodies lying on the ground, I go inside and go towards the Great Hall, I look around in search of Lauren and when I see her I run towards her

"Thank god you're alright" I hug her tightly

"I'm so sorry Y/n"

"Why? What happened?"

She grabs my hand and takes me to my sister, I see her crying over someone's body and when I realize who's body it is I let out a scream


I kneel besides my dad's lifeless body and start shaking him

"This is not funny your eyes" a few tears slide down my cheeks

"Little sis..."

"Dad...please open your eyes" I let out a sob

"You can't be dead...I still need you...please open your eyes can't leave me" I keep shaking him

Someone hugs me from behind and I completely break down, I hug Shay tightly and cry against her chest

I can't believe our father is dead


I'm in Lauren's arms while she plays with a few strands of my hair, I take deep breaths and hide my face in the crook of her neck

"I like you Lauren" I whisper

"I like you too Y/n"

I smile and look up, I start leaning in and soon my lips are on hers, we share a slow and gentle kiss and when we pull away I smile again

"You're so beautiful" she says

"So are you"

She hugs me tightly and I let out a little giggle, suddenly we all hear Voldemort's voice

"Harry Potter is dead. We are bringing you his body to show you that your hero has fallen" he says

No...Harry can't be dead

We all go outside and when I see Harry's lifeless body in Hagrid's arms I let out a sob

"Harry Potter is dead!"

I watch as Neville takes a few steps towards Voldemort and the Death Eaters, he makes a speech and we all gasp when we see that Harry is alive

Everyone runs back inside as our enemies start firing spells at us, as I'm fighting a Death Eater I see Narcissa and Lucius running through the fighting crowd calling out for Draco when they stop in their tracks

"Well, well...if it isn't the woman that lied to the Dark Lord"

The man points his wand at the married couple and when I realize that they can't defend themselves I decide to help them


I run towards them and get in front of them

"Stay behind me. I will take you to Draco" I say

"Why are you helping us?"

"We had to obliviate my mother and I lost my father today...I don't want Draco to loose you both on the same day"

The tree of us arrive in the Great Hall and we see Voldemort and Harry facing each other, in the end The Boy Who Lived wins and we all watch as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named falls to the ground

Everyone starts screaming and cheering, I run towards Harry, Hermione and Ron doing the same, and hug him tightly

"We won!"

I go hug my grandma and I giggle when she spins me around, she hugs me tightly and holds me close to her

"Where's Shay?" I ask

"Did someone say my name?"

The three of us share a family hug and I smile

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to do"

"Yeah, she needs to go find her girlfriend" my sister says playfully

"Lauren's not my girlfriend" I blush

"Not yet"

I blush more and walk away, as I search for the green eyed girl I see a person with pink hair and I gasp


I run towards her and hug her tightly, I hug Remus as well and look at him and his wife

"Thank god you're both alright"

I talk with them for a little bit and then resume my searching for Lauren, I finally spot her but before I can go to her someone grabs my wrist

I turn my head and find Narcissa smiling at me, without saying anything she hugs me and I hug her back

"Thank you for protecting us"

"No problem" I say blushing a little

She kisses me on the cheek and goes back to her family, with a smile on my face I go to Lauren and hug her

"Are you alright nugget?"

I nod and look up, I get on my tip toes and kiss her on the lips

I'll write a few chapters about Y/n's and Lauren's seventh year at Hogwarts and then I'll write the last chapter with Y/n and Lauren, and the others, at King's Cross
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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