Chapter 24

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We all look at professor Snape not knowing what he will do

"Severus..." professor Lupin starts

"I told the headmaster that you were helping an old friend into the castle and now, here is the proof"

"Severus, let me explain..."

"Give me a reason, I beg you" he points his wand at Black

"Now...I should take you back to the castle...I'm sure the dementors will be happy to see you" he continues

Before my eyes I see professor Snape fly backwards, hit a wall and pass out. I look around and see my friends with their wands in their hands

"Tell me more about Pettigrew" Harry shouts

"I think it's best if we show you. Ron, give me the rat"

Professor Lupin takes the rat out of Ron's hands and points his wand at him as Black does the same. In front of our eyes Scabbers transforms into a human

"R-remus, old friends"


The chilly night air hits my face as soon as I exit the little opening under the Whomping Willow. I help Hermione and Harry that were the last ones in the line and as we all go back towards the castle I see the moon

Sirius puts an arm in front of me, Harry and Hermione to stop us

"Run! Run away now!"

He transforms into his animagus form and launches himself towards professor Lupin to take him away from us. I see Pettigrew taking Lupin's wand so I run towards him to block him but he pushes me off and as I fall on the ground I see him transform

"Are you alright Y/n?" Hermione asks me

"Yeah, but I think I broke my ankle. How's Ron?"

"Pettigrew did something to him...we need to take you both back to the castle and tell someone what happened"

We hear a whine


Harry runs in the direction Sirius went and Hermione follows him. I watch as they run further away and the thought that professor Lupin in his werewolf form might hurt them comes into my mind

I drag myself towards professor Snape and I try to wake him up

"Professor...professor please wake up" I shake him

He opens his eyes and looks at me

"Miss Y/l/n, what happened?" he sits up

"P-professor Lupin...h-he turned i-into a werewolf...he d-didn't take the potion and..." I start shaking

Snape cups my cheeks in a gentle manner, something I would have never expected from him, and tries to calm me down

"Where are Potter and Granger?"

"T-they ran towards the l-lake...I decided to wake y-you because I'm afraid professor Lupin might hurt them"

"Miss Y/l/n, I'll go search the others now. I want you to stay here and not move until I come back..."

I don't hear the rest of the sentence because my head starts spinning. I fall into his arms and I feel him catch me before I completely black out. When I wake up the sun is up in the sky and by looking around I notice that I'm in the infirmary

The sound of the door getting opened catches my attention so I turn my head and see my grandma coming towards my bed. She sees me and smiles before sitting on the chair next to the bed

"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, what happened?"

"Last night Severus brought you, Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger here. You were all passed out and after setting you all on the beds he told us that he caught Sirius Black"


"So Buckbeak and Sirius are safe?" I ask and Hermione nods

She told me what happened after we got taken to the infirmary. Her and Harry traveled back in time to save the both of them and now they're probably somewhere far away from Hogwarts

"And now I finally understand how you managed to follow all the subjects without missing a lesson" I add before giggling

The days before summer break pass by so quickly that I soon find myself on the Hogwarts Express with the others on our way back to London

When we arrive I get out of the train and see my dad talking with Clara and Mike. Lauren and I reach them and I raise my eyebrows

"Do you know each other?"

"Yeah, we were friends when we were at Hogwarts and we kept in contact throughout the years. We were talking about the Quidditch World Cup" my dad says

"We were thinking about going together, what do you girls think?"

I smile and nod and Lauren does the same. I hug my friend and kiss her on the cheek

"See you at the Quidditch World Cup"

"See you there nugget"

I hug her one last time and I watch her leave with a smile on my face

Third year is finished...are you ready for the fourth one?
I honestly can't wait to reach Order Of The Phoenix because I need my daily dose of Nymphadora Tonks and I so want to write about her *spoiler time* I'll save her (Snape and Lupin too) during the battle of Hogwarts because she's my baby and deserved so much better 😢
I hope you liked the chapter
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Love you lots 🌸

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