Chapter 23

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Exams will start in a few days so Lauren and I decide to go sit under our usual tree to review the things we did during the year

"Can we start with Potions please?"

"For sure"

We study all day and decide to meet up again the day before the exams just in case. I give her a kiss on the cheek and with my heart beating faster than usual, something that happens every time I'm with Lauren, I go towards the Gryffindor tower


When we exit the Potions classroom I immediately hug Lauren with a smile on my face

"Thank you for the help you gave me during our review sessions. I'm sure I wouldn't have done it without your help" I say

"Don't say that, I'm sure you could have done it even without my help nugget" she kisses me on the cheek

For the rest of the day I review all the notes that I took during the Astronomy lessons and that night I do the exam

The rest of the week passes by so slowly that I feel so tired and drained when I finish my last exam

"Thank god I left Divination. I'm so tired that I could have fallen asleep in the middle of the exam if I had to take it"

Hermione and I go to the common room and wait for the boys to come back from their exam

A note from Hagrid where it says that Buckbeak will be killed at sunset arrives and, after dinner, we decide to go visit him

We arrive at his hut and stay there for a few minutes until he tells us to leave because Dumbledore and the others were arriving. We leave and as we go back towards the castle we hear the sound of an ax cutting something

I cover my mouth to stifle a sob and grip Harry's shoulder

"I can't believe that they did it" I hear Hermione say

Scabbers bites Ron's finger and starts running away. We run after the rat and the red headed boy manages to catch it but when he looks up I see that he starts shaking

"Harry! Hermione! Y/n! Watch out!"

Turning around we see a big black dog but instead of attacking us he runs towards Ron, drags him towards the Whomping Willow and goes inside an opening

"We need to help Ron"

With a few difficulties we get inside the opening and start walking in a sort of tunnel. We end up in an old, dusty room and when we hear a noise upstairs we go there and see an open door

Inside we find Ron with Scabbers in his hands and we immediately go to him to check if he's okay

"Are you alright? Where's the dog?" I ask

"He's not a dog! He's an animagus!"

The door gets closed and when we turn around we find Sirius Black staring at us with a smirk on his face

"Expelliarmus" our wands fly out of our hands

Ron gets in front of Harry and says that if he wants to kill our friend he'll have to kill us too

"No, only one will die tonight"

"Then it'll be you"

Harry launches himself towards Sirius Black and after tackling him to the ground takes back his wand and points it at him

We hear footsteps outside the room and when the door opens we see professor Lupin who soon disarms Harry. Our professor helps Black to get up and hugs him

"No! I trusted you!" Hermione screams

"He's a werewolf, that why he's been missing classes" she continues

So she figured it out too

"How long have you known?"

"Since professor Snape set the essay"

"Well well Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met..."

"Stop with this nonsense Remus! Let's kill him"

We look at Black and then at professor Lupin who lets out a deep sigh

"Ok, but wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why"

Our professor tells us his story, how he became a werewolf, how his friends became animagus to help him during the full moons and how Snape found out about his secret

And that's when our Potions professor enters the room

We're reaching the end of book three 👀
Another chapter and we'll move onto year four or better to say Goblet of fire
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