Chapter 18

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"Guys it's time we go or we'll be late for our first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts" Hermione says

We nod and go towards the classroom. When we arrive we don't see professor Lupin so we sit and start chatting

Soon the professor arrives and tells us to put away our books because we'll do a practical lesson. Everyone gets up and we follow him out of the classroom and towards the teachers room

Inside we find professor Snape but he soon leaves and professor Lupin goes towards a wardrobe

"There's a boggart inside...can anyone tell me what a boggart is?"

Hermione and I both raise our hands

"Yes miss Granger and miss Y/l/n"

"It's a shapeshifter" Hermione starts

"It can take on the appearance of what we fear the most" I add

"Excellent! Now...the spell to ward off a boggart it's called Riddikulus. Repeat after me"

We all repeat the spell and our professor tells Neville to come near him

"What's your biggest fear Neville?"

"P-professor Snape"

The class starts laughing and I place my hand in front of my mouth to stop giggling

Yeah, he can be pretty intimidating

Neville stands in front of the wardrobe and when it opens the boggart takes the appearance of our Potions professor

(A month later)

When I arrive in the common room I see Ron and Hermione looking at something

"What's happening guys?"

"The first trip to Hogsmeade is at the end of October, on Halloween"

I smile when I hear that. My dad told me what Hogsmeade is like during the summer and I really can't wait to go around there to visit all the shops and drink a butterbeer

"I can't wait"


A week later after our Transfiguration lesson I wait for everyone to leave and when it's only me I look at my grandma

"Are you sure you can't do anything about Harry's situation?"

"Yes sweetie, I'm not his legal guardian and I can't let him go without permission"

"I wish I could help him but I can't go against the rules" she adds

"Yeah, you're right. It's just...I wanted to help a friend"

My grandma smiles and hugs me as I hug her back

"You're a great friend Y/n and Potter is very lucky to have someone as loyal as you, Granger and Weasley by his side" she kisses my forehead

"Now go to your next lesson, I don't want you to be late"


The day of the trip to Hogsmeade arrives and I find myself with the other students on the courtyard of the castel ready to go to the village

I get inside a carriage with Ron and Hermione and in ten minutes we arrive

"Where to first?"

"Let's go to Zonko, we can buy Harry some things" Hermione and I agree with Ron

We spend the morning going around the village and entering most of the shops. At lunch time we go to The Three Broomsticks to eat something

Inside the pub I spot Lauren with one of her friends and I smile

"I'm gonna go say hi to Lauren, you guys can order for me"

After I tell them what I want I go towards Lauren and kiss her cheek

"Hey Lauren, hi Ally. Are Normani and Dinah with you too?"

"Normani is at the bathroom and Dinah is ordering food. Want to join us?"

I shake my head

"I'm with Ron and Hermione. Maybe we can meet at Honeydukes later?"

"Sure, see you later nugget" she kisses my cheek

I leave their table and join Ron when I see him

"Where's Hermione?"

"Still in line to order food. Why are you blushing?"

Am I? I didn't even realize

"I-i'm not, you're just imagining things"

He just shrugs his shoulders and we wait for our friend


We return to Hogwarts at sunset and give Harry what we bought for him. After that we go to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast

When we go back to the Gryffindor tower we find the other Gryffindors in front of the portrait

"Why are they not entering?"

The headmaster arrives and we take the opportunity to get closer and see what's happening. The portrait of the Fat Lady is all ripped and she's not in there

Peeves tells us that it was Sirius Black's fault and Dumbledore sends us all back to the Great Hall

The tables disappear and sleeping bags appear in their place

I get inside one of the sleeping bags and I see Lauren laying on the one next to mine

"Do you think they'll catch him?" I ask

"Yeah, maybe not today but they'll eventually catch him and take him back to Azkaban. Don't worry, with all the professors and the headmaster we're safe here" she strokes my cheek

I blush, take her hand and kiss the back of it. Even tho it's dark I notice a faint blush appearing on her cheeks

Why does my heart start beating like crazy when I'm near her? Do I have a crush on her?

"Hey nugget" she strokes my cheek again and I look at her

"Are you alright? You zoned out"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. That's all"

She gets closer and, like me, leans her head on her hand

"Then go to sleep, it's almost midnight after all"

She cups my chin with her hand, brings my face closer to hers and presses her lips to the corner of my mouth

"Good night nugget" she turns on the other side

I can feel my heart beating like crazy and I start fanning myself

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

I stare at the ceiling for I don't know how long and eventually I manage to fall asleep as Lauren's body turns to my side again

Unknowingly I place my hand over hers and our fingers interlock, like two puzzle pieces meant to be together

So...the crush is starting but as I said I want to pull a Romione move and make them kiss only during the last book/movie but there will definitely be cute moments as well as jealousy and other things
Btw, do you like the idea of McGonagall being the reader's grandma? I would really like to know your opinion
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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