Chapter 6

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*A week before Christmas*


I watch as Hermione packs her things

Today was the last day of lessons before Christmas break and the students that will go home for the holidays will take the train tomorrow morning

"I'll miss you" I say to her

"I'll miss you too Y/n" she says hugging me

After that we go to dinner and chat with Harry and Ron

(The next day)

"You want some help with your luggage?"

"No, it's ok. Ron and Harry already went to the Great Hall for breakfast...let's hurry so I can say goodbye to them"

With Hermione dragging her suitcase we reach the Great Hall and go inside, soon spotting the two boys playing chess. We go towards them and call their attention

"I wanted to say goodbye to you guys. Don't have too much fun without me, I'll see you after the holidays"

She gives us a small smile and goes away. I look at my friends and sit next to Ron

"Can I join in your fun?"

(At dinner)

I spent the day helping the Weasley twins make pranks at the students that stayed at Hogwarts and it was fun...except for the fact that Snape caught us and almost gave us detention

"Thankfully professor McGonagall was there too and prevented him from doing so, saying that it's almost Christmas and everyone should be in a good mood" I say

"You seriously risked to get detention during the holidays?" Ron asks in disbelief at his brothers

"It would have been worth it...we finally managed to prank professor Sprout" George answers

I instantly remember our Herbology professor covered in ink from head to toe and I giggle

As I eat I take a look of the Great Hall, that during the year is always full with students and chatter, now almost empty. The Slytherin table is what catches my eye first...Lauren Jauregui is sitting all alone, her few housemates that I happened to meet during the day nowhere to be found

"What are you looking at Y/n?" Percy, our prefect, asks joining us at the table

I point at Lauren and they all stare at her

"Should we go there to keep her company?"

As I'm about to follow Harry's idea the green eyed girl stands up and leaves the Great Hall

Why was she alone?

*Christmas day*

"Merry Christmas boys" I say as I sit next to my friends in our common room

Presents are all over the floor and I take the ones with my name on it. I open one of them and find a purple sweater with a giant "Y/i/l" on it

"That's from our mother, she makes sweaters for us every year and when we told her about you she said she was gonna make one for you as well" Ron says

I put the sweater on and smile

"I already love it so much, remind me to send your mom an owl to thank her for this gift"

We spend the morning opening gifts, eating sweets and playing games. During lunch professor McGonagall sits with us and since she has nothing to do for the rest of the day she comes with us to the Gryffindor common room and we chat with her

It's now dinner time and, like every other day this past week, Lauren is sitting alone at her house table. Well not really alone, the few Slytherins that stayed for the holidays are here but they aren't talking with her

I stand up and start walking towards her. I tap her shoulder and she turns her head to look at me

"What do you want?"

"Since your fellow housemates don't wanna talk with you I was wondering if you would like to join us at our table" I say

"I know that you don't want anything to do with me but it's Christmas and everyone deserves some love" I add giving her a small smile

After I said that someone starts clapping and I turn my head towards the teachers table and find out that it's the headmaster doing it. Soon everyone joins and I blush a little

"That is very sweet of you miss Y/n. Wanting to make another person happy is a kind gesture and everyone should take example" he says looking towards the little group of Slytherins

"Now continue your dinner"

I look at Lauren and find her staring at me

"So...wanna come?" I say out stretching my hand

She takes it and we walk towards the Gryffindor table. When we sit everyone greets Lauren and we go back to eat

This is one strange, but also perfect, Christmas and I'm happy to spend it with my friends

Hi guys 👋
New chapter for you and this time with Lauren on it
Someone on the last chapter asked me if I will add other parts of the movie...I already answered but I want to tell you all so I will say it again...I will add all the scenes from the movies that follow the timeline of the story, for the joy of everyone that watched Harry Potter, but I will probably change something from movie 5 to movie 8. I will not kill some of the characters that died during the battle because I love them too much and because they deserved a happy ending 😭
After saying that...I hope you liked this chapter and if you want don't forget to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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