Chapter 25

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I pack a small backpack and a small luggage that I'll take with me

My dad and I will go to the Jauregui's and spend a few days there so that we can all go to the Quidditch world cup together

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us to the Jauregui's? Clara said that she'll stay at home with her youngest daughter so you'll have some company" my dad says to my mom

"I'm sure dear, my mom said that she'll come visit later on today and she'll stay for a few days so I won't be alone" she smiles

He nods and keeps looking at his watch

"Why do you keep staring at your watch every two seconds dad?"

"No reason at all" he replies

But I manage to catch him saying something like she was supposed to be here five minutes ago very quietly

Soon there's a knock at the door and my dad, with a big smile on his face, asks me to open it. I raise my eyebrows and do as he said while I give him a suspicious look

What is he planning?



She opens her arms and I hug her tightly as I start crying a little. She holds me close to her and strokes my hair gently to calm me down like she always used to do when I was little

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too little sis"

The last time I saw her was some days before I had to take the Hogwarts Express for the first time and I haven't seen her since then, at least until today

"How are you? Dad said that you've become an Auror, I'm so proud of you"

"Thank you" she kisses my forehead

"Ok girls we need to go. We were supposed to be at the Jauregui's ten minutes ago"

"'re coming too?" I ask my sister

Shay nods and a big smile appears on my face. I go grab my luggage and backpack and go back downstairs

"Are we going to use Floo Network?"

"No, we'll apparate. Come here" I do as told

"Now grab my arm and hold on tight okay?" I nod and grab his arm as my sister does the same

"See you in a week dear"

Before I can say bye to mom we start spinning and a few seconds later I fall on the ground holding my stomach

"Are you alright little sis?" Shay helps me get up

"Yeah, I'm fine"

Looking up I see Lauren's house and I immediately smile. We arrive at the door and my dad rings the door bell

A few minutes later Mike opens it and he and my dad hug each other. I grab Shay's hand and when we go inside the house I look around for Lauren but don't see her

"Sit on the couch, Clara is making some tea and will be here in a few"


I finish tidying up my room and go downstairs

"Hey, I heard a knock on the door. Did Y/n..." I stop talking mid sentence

My eyes are on Y/n and a girl that I've never seen before. They're holding hands and my friend's head rests on the older girl's shoulder

When I notice them interlocking their fingers something in my stomach starts turning and I find myself clenching my fists

Who is that girl and why is she so close to Y/n?

"Lolo!" the brown eyed girl stands up from the couch

She runs towards me and engulfs me in a hug. Now that she's in my arms and away from that girl the feeling in my stomach subsides and I smile as I hug her back

"I missed you" she says

"I missed you too"

We pull apart and my eyes return to that girl sitting on the couch. Y/n grabs my hand and a chill runs down my spine at the contact, she takes me to the couch and we sit

"Lauren, this is my sister Shay" she points to the girl

Sister? Y/n has a sister?

"Y-you never told me you had a sister"

"It's because it completely slipped from my mind. I haven't seen her that much these past few years and I didn't think about telling you" she says blushing

I hold out my hand and Shay does the same, we shake hands and Y/n smiles at our interaction

"Nice to meet you Shay"

"Nice to meet you too Lauren"

Shay Y/l/n is none other than Shay Mitchell
I've recently started following her and I wanted to add her to the story
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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