Chapter 33

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Since I have nothing to do I decide to go outside in the courtyard and read a book. I sit under a tree and as I place my bag on the ground I notice something engraved on the cortex

L + Y/I/L best friends forever

A smile makes its way onto my face when I read that and I start remembering the time Lauren and I engraved that sentence on this tree during our first year


My head is on Lauren's lap and I relax as she reads to me and strokes my hair at the same time. When I'm about to fall asleep the green eyed girl stops reading and starts looking at the tree she's leaning on

"I want to engrave something here" she says

"Something like what?"

"I don't know...maybe a sentence...wait! I have the perfect idea!"

She takes out her wand and says a spell before starting to engrave something on the tree. I wait for her to finish and when she moves to the side I take a look at what she wrote

"L + Y/I/L best friends forever" I read out loud

"That's so cute"

I kiss her cheek and we hug each other tightly

"Best friends forever" we say at the same time


"Good old times...with no Brad coming in between us" I think

I take out the book Hermione suggested and start reading it. Some time later a person sits next to me and I take a look at who it is

"Hey nugget" Lauren says

She kisses me on the cheek and I quickly cover my face with my hair to hide the blush

"What are you reading?"

"A book Hermione recommended to me" I reply

She nods and takes out a book before starting to read. We stay under the tree until it gets dark and when we realize that it's dinner time we get up and go in the Great Hall

I sit at the Gryffindor table and smile at my friends

"I haven't seen you all day...where have you been?"

"Somewhere in the castle"


Easter holidays are coming up and I decide to write a letter to my family to tell them that I'll come home. I go to the owlery and call for my owl


She flies over to me and sets herself on my arm. I tie the letter to her paw and pet her a little

"Take the letter to mom and dad"

I give her a treat and watch her leave

A few days later Hermione is helping me pack my things. I grab Odette's cage and leave the Gryffindor tower to go towards the enter of the castle

When I arrive in London it's already dark outside and I look around for my dad. I see him and my sister and go hug them

"I missed you"

"We missed you too"

We go home and I go in my room to unpack my luggage. Shay joins me and when we're done we sit on my bed and start talking

" did the Yule ball go? I want all the details"

"It went well...most of it at least" I say

"What do you mean?"

"'s just that...I saw the person that I like kiss someone else" I tell my sister

"Lauren kissed someone else?"

Wait, what?

"W-what? How do you know that I like-"

"That you like Lauren? It's so obvious"

I blush and look at Shay with a sad smile on my face

"She's dating the guy that she kissed at the ball and I hate it so much"

I start tearing up and Shay brings me closer to her to comfort me. I cry into her chest and soon fall asleep in her arms

The next morning I wake up cuddled up with my sister and I smile as I hold her close to me. She soon wakes up too and smiles before kissing me on the forehead

"You just need to wait for the right moment" she suddenly says


"With just need to wait for the right moment to tell her about your feelings"

Snape said the same thing but the real question is...

How long will I have to wait?

Hi guys 👋
I know that you're probably thinking that there aren't enough parts with jealous Lauren but you'll have some when I start book 5 and Y/n starts crushing and spending time with Tonks 👀
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Love you lots 🌸

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