Chapter 8

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*A week before exams*


Harry, Ron, Hermione and I are in the library to study for our upcoming exams. As I flip through the pages I notice the red headed boy not paying attention

"Ronald you need to study if you want to pass the exams"

"Mione I think we did enough for today, we've been here for three hours straight and it's almost dinner time" I say

"Plus we've been studying for the past few weeks under your eye and I think we're ready for our exams" Harry adds

She finally gives in and we leave the library. Ten minutes later we arrive in our common room and go in our rooms to place our things down. After that we walk through the corridors, reach the Great Hall and sit at our house table. Food appears and we start eating

*A week later*

"Good morning guys, are you ready?"

"Not really...three weeks full of exams!" Ron groans and throws his head back

I giggle and eat my breakfast. When we're done we go towards our Charms class and sit at our desks

"Good morning class, I hope you're all ready for your exams" professor Flitwick says entering the classroom

He gives us papers and special quills so no one can cheat. When he's done he returns to his desk

"You may begin your exams, good luck"

I start reading the questions and a few minutes later I start answering. A hour later we leave the classroom and start walking towards our next one

"How did it go?" Hermione asks

"It was ok, not that hard" I reply

We spend the rest of the day doing exams and studying for our next ones

*Three weeks later*

"Finally exams are over. Now I can relax until it's time to go home" Ron says

"You can't relax, we still have to stop Snape from stealing the philosopher stone" Harry whispers so no one can hear him

"When do you think he's going to do it?"

"Probably tonight since Dumbledore is not here"

(At midnight)

When everyone is asleep we take Harry's invisibility cloak and leave the common room after petrifying Neville (poor guy). We reach the third floor and enter the room with Fluffy inside of it. The three headed dog is sleeping and we hear soft music playing

"Snape is already down there, we need to stop him"

After surpassing the dog, the Devil's Snare and flying keys we reach a giant chessboard with big chess pieces

"I think we need to play and win if we want to pass"

We play and win but Ron gets injured. I decide to stay with him and Harry and Hermione go on. Ten minutes later the latter returns

"Where's Harry?"

"He went to confront Snape alone. We need to go back and send an owl to Dumbledore"

Twenty minutes later we're running through the third floor corridor when we meet the headmaster and...Snape?

"Stay here with them Severus, I'm going to get Harry"

After what feels like hours Dumbledore returns with a passed out Harry in his arms

"Take them to their dormitories, I will take Harry to the infirmary"

*A few days later*

Harry's finally out of the hospital wing and now the headmaster is going to tell us which house wins the house cup

After a long speech and points added to Gryffindor we are now in first place

"We won!" our table yells

My eyes search Lauren and I find her already looking at me. She mouths a 'congratulations' and claps her hands

"At three. 1, 2, 3" we throw our black hats in the air

*At the train station*

"I'm gonna miss you guys" Hagrid says

We hug him and get on the train. We find an empty cabin, sit there and start chatting. Five minutes later Lauren opens the door

"Can I sit here with you guys?"

I motion for her to sit next to me and she introduces herself to the trio. We talk and laugh for the whole train ride

I can't wait to return to Hogwarts

And first year is done. If you want vote and comment 👀 Love you lots 🌸

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