Chapter 16

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I wake up at the sound of my alarm. Opening my eyes I turn it off and stretch my arms. I get up from my bed and go towards the window to open the curtains

The light invades my room and I smile as the rays of the late August sun hit my body as well

I'm gonna miss summer but I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts to see my friends

I look at the landscape outside ny window. I always loved the view I had from here especially during winter because everything is covered by snow and I get so fascinated by it that I remain speechless

Smiling I go towards my closet and open it to choose an outfit. I decide on a simple pair of jeans shorts, a white tank top and a jacket

I go to the bathroom, undress myself and I step into the shower. I put my Spotify on shuffle and with the music of my favourite artist in the background I start showering

Thirty minutes later I get out and start drying myself off with a towel. When I'm done I put on my outfit, take out the hairdryer and start drying my hair. I decide to leave my hair wavy and after spraying some perfume on my neck I exit the bathroom

I go downstairs and when I enter the kitchen I find my mom setting the table and my dad cooking pancakes

"Good morning sweetheart"

"Good morning mom" I say as I start helping her

When we're done I sit and my parents do the same. We start eating and have short conversations about what we'll do today

"Are we going to Diagon Alley to buy things for school dad?" I ask and he nods

"We'll go after we finish having breakfast"


As I walk through Diagon Alley with the books I need for school in my arms I notice Harry, Ron and Hermione seated at a table of an ice-cream shop

"Hey guys!" I walk towards them

They smile at me and I take a chair to seat next to them

"How was the summer?" I ask as I put my books in the bag my father gave me

A few minutes later we get up and decide to go to a pet shop because Hermione wants to buy an owl

When we're done we leave and I decide to follow my friends and go to the Leaky Cauldron

"'re here with your father but you said that he went somewhere to do something related to will he find you?"

"Don't worry Ron, I have my cell phone here" I answer as I show him the item

"I can call or message him whenever I want and tell him where I am and he can do the same" I add

An hour or so later I receive a call from my dad and I tell him where I am. When he arrives I say goodbye to my friends and tell them that I will see them tomorrow on the train


I sit on a compartment with the trio and notice a man sleeping

"Who do you think he is?" I ask

"Professor R.J. Lupin" Hermione answers

"He's probably the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher" she adds

We spend the train ride talking about Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban, Hogsmeade and other things. At some point the train starts slowing down and the lights turn off

"What's happening?"

"I don't know...I'll go ask the machinist" Hermione replies

Professor Lupin wakes up and tells us to stay silent. We do as told and before he can exit and go ask what's happening we see a dark figure standing outside our cabin. Everything around us starts getting cold and a shiver runs down my spine, the figure enters and I see Harry closing his eyes and fainting as the new professor says a spell

The dark figure goes away and I look at Harry as Ron calls his name. The lights turn on and the train starts moving again. A few minutes later Harry regains consciousness

"Here" professor Lupin says handing the boy a piece of chocolate

"Eat, you'll feel better"

"What was that?" I ask

"A dementor"


After dinner we enter the Gryffindor common room and Hermione and I go straight to our dorm

I change into my pajamas, lay on the bed and, after saying good night to my friend, fall asleep thinking about a certain pair of green eyes

And we started the third book/movie (one of my favourites right now)
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