Chapter 22

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"Hey Y/n, how was Christmas?" Hermione asks me as soon as I enter our dormitory after the holidays

"I need to talk to you"

I put my suitcase on my bed and sit next to my friend on hers. I look around and when I see that we're alone I start talking

"You were right, I like Lauren" I say

She looks at me with a little smile on her face

"What made you realize that?"

"Well...I noticed that I blush when she does the simplest thing like kissing my cheek or hugging me, my heart starts beating faster when I'm near her, I always want to spend time with her and I'm always happy when I'm around her but I guess you already realized that since you noticed it before me"

"Yeah, let's say that I saw the way you looked at her and I put two and two together"

She takes my hand in hers and looks at me in the eyes

"I think you should tell her Y/n"

"Are you crazy? She will never feel the same"

"You don't know that, what if she does?" Hermione says

"I will tell day"

(A few months later)

After Gryffindor won the Quidditch match someone, probably Fred and George, decided to throw a party in our common room which started right after the game ended and continued throughout the day

It's now way past the curfew and the party is nowhere near done. I grab a Butterbeer and sit next to Hermione who was doing her homework. I see a lot of books in front of her and I furrow my eyebrows

"Mione...I noticed that lately I saw you more stressed than ever and you study a more than you usually do" I say

"I'm alright Y/n, I promise" she says smiling

Harry sits next to us and I look at him. He looks back at me, smiles and then looks at our friend

"Come eat something Hermione"

"I can't, I need to read this book. Plus..." she looks at Ron

"He doesn't want me there"

After that Ron comes here and makes a comment about his dead rat. Hermione starts crying and runs away

"RON! That wasn't necessary"

Without looking at him I go to my dorm to see if my friend is alright. When I enter I find her laying on her bed crying and I go to her

"Don't listen to what he says, he's stupid" I stroke her hair

She lets out a little giggle and looks at me

"You said that during our first year too"

"Yeah I did...seems like he hasn't changed" I smile a little

"He doesn't deserve your tears. If he can't see that his rat's death is not your fault then he can go fuck himself" I continue

We start talking and after a little while I see her yawning

"Go to sleep, you really need it"

I change into my pajams, lay in my bed and soon fall asleep. A few hours later I get woken up by voices coming from the common room

What are they doing up at this hour of the night

I get up from the bed and go downstairs to find the boys from Harry's dorm and some of the girls standing in front of the couches

"He was there! Sirius Black was in our dorm!" Ron yells

Professor McGonagall enters and Ron starts telling her what he said to us. My grandma goes out to ask the portrait of Sir Cadogan if someone entered and he confirms that Black was in fact here

In the morning the news goes all over the school and I see students from the other houses ask Ron what happened. Someone grabs my hand and leads me away from the crowd that formed around the red headed boy

"I heard what happened last night. Are you alright?" Lauren asks me

"Yeah I am, he entered the boys' dorm" I reply

"I know but he's still a murderer and who knows what he can do"

I look down at our hands and she does the same. I blush a little and when I look up at her again I see that she's already looking at me, our faces really close to each other

Lauren Jauregui what are you doing to me?

So...I was thinking...would you like for Lauren and Y/n to return to Hogwarts for their seventh year after the battle? Let me know
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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